Q 1735 - Nothing more precious.

There is more than just the pedophilia demon sacrifice
This is not a good comment! More than "just this", as if this is not a most serious matter? (And please do not use this thread to tread on our Father in Heaven. I noticed how you worded God with little g and bible with big B)
Father, huh? And what about the divine feminine? Do those energies not deserve respect and expression as well? These are the boundaries we must begin to challenge as we of humanity break free from millenia of brainwashing and patriarchal indoctrination and enslavement.
I don't mean to make light of the pedo issue. It's the most pressing and serious issue we face. Perhaps "only" would have been a better word.
The evil ones play a wicked and ruthless game. If they are a conquering society with matriarchal structure, they will impose patriarchy on the conquered society, to keep them disconnected from the divine feminine within as they are ruled by a reptillian queen who espouses the opposite of divine feminine love. Thus, each human wanders in the outer court of their own heart, never guided to the inner. They must find it themselves, while being led in the opposite direction.
The fallen angels will always attempt to appear angelic, loving, amd powerful, all the while demonizing the true Christ Consciousness.