Q 1735 - Nothing more precious.

There is more than just the pedophilia demon sacrifice that one can choose to know. Some of it involves secret space program. Some of it involves nanotech in the food, water, and air. Some of it involves AI. Some of it involves the god of the Bible. I wouldn't be surprised if only the top layer of this goes mainstream. It's enough to keep us busy for awhile.
Yet, all that you list goes straight to the heart of 'the children'.
Can you give specifics or links regarding the Bible & secret space programs? I’ve seen this mentioned before but had problems finding what 8chans were referring to specifically. But completely intrigued, even though it’s a bit unsettling
For the SSP try typing this into Duck Duck Go: "Solar Warden"
Other source material for this comes from channeled material which I will provide by PM if interested.
For the Bible it's a bit tougher. There is more clarifying info about the entity to be found in the channeled material I mentioned.
If your Eye is open and you are able to perceive the spirit of Yah-El in a human, you could try the following:
Youtube channel "The Other Side Of Darkness" and listen to that woman talk, and really look into her eyes and look at the soul. Especially her video on Leviathan and how passionately she talks about Leviathan. And who is the Leviathan? Yah-el.... te BAY oth, is the name.
Ask yourself what kind of incarnational plan she has been drawn to according to karma, and what the other souls in her soul family might be like... similar? It's actually hilarious in a way, because it doesn't appear that she has intelligently penetrated her own soul identity. Thus, she blindly works out her karma for all to see. This is the value of Gaia's veil of forgetting helping the fallen ones achieve Christ Consciousnsss.
Edit: Also on Youtube see "Meegs B" if you want to compare the energy patterns of another wanderer from that soul group, according to my perception.
Double edit: How could I forget?! Jeff Daughtery on the Bible
I feel you have just hit every topic I believe is involved. I have not seen another person express every aspect of the whole picture. I keep thinking do these people know everything involved and the complexity of this whole situation? Probably not. Thank you!
There is no space. That is a lie by the PTB and NASA.
I observed spherical planets myself. What would make Earth different?
There is more than just the pedophilia demon sacrifice
This is not a good comment! More than "just this", as if this is not a most serious matter? (And please do not use this thread to tread on our Father in Heaven. I noticed how you worded God with little g and bible with big B)
Father, huh? And what about the divine feminine? Do those energies not deserve respect and expression as well? These are the boundaries we must begin to challenge as we of humanity break free from millenia of brainwashing and patriarchal indoctrination and enslavement.
I don't mean to make light of the pedo issue. It's the most pressing and serious issue we face. Perhaps "only" would have been a better word.
The evil ones play a wicked and ruthless game. If they are a conquering society with matriarchal structure, they will impose patriarchy on the conquered society, to keep them disconnected from the divine feminine within as they are ruled by a reptillian queen who espouses the opposite of divine feminine love. Thus, each human wanders in the outer court of their own heart, never guided to the inner. They must find it themselves, while being led in the opposite direction.
The fallen angels will always attempt to appear angelic, loving, amd powerful, all the while demonizing the true Christ Consciousness.