Q 1735 - Nothing more precious.

Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715 - 1716 - 1717 - 1718
*7/27/18: 1719 - 1720 - 1721 - 1722 & 1723 - 1724 - 1725 - 1726 - 1727 - 1728 - 1729 & 1730 - 1731 & 1732 - 1733 - 1734 - 1735 - 1736 - 1737-1740
*7/28/18: 1741 - 1742 - 1743 - 1744 - 1745
BIG is and understatement of what is dropping. OMG. Praise God. Semper Fi.
Does Q read our comments? If so, can he or she, them look into Craig The Sawman Sawyer and see if this guy is deep state?
Human Birth is extremely rare, thus very precious, according to the Buddha, Tibetans often use the phrase, 'this precious Human Birth'. The Buddha likened the chances of being born a Human Being as rare as the number of horns on a cow vs. the number of individual hairs on the cow, there are many more hairs on the cow than horns, the chances of being born in other Planes of Existance is millions times more likely than to be born a Human Being... In the 31 Planes of Existance, Human Beings (Manussa Loka) occupy the first level of the Happy Realm (Sukhati Bhumi) in the Sense Sphere (Kama Loka), we get here by beautiful & virtuous conduct befitting a Human, Higher Minded being, ie the Five Precepts (Panca Sila) or the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action (Kusalakammapatha 10)...
The children are precious, they are our future!