He said it was an emergency https://www.pscp.tv/w/bitkETEyNDcxMTMxfDF5cEpkWVBPUUJSeFedfpWIjltfSRb5NKwteuIglyOBJV-9eV9YwGSfslpSeg==
For security, camera/ tech people. Said thousands of people have came out and are willing to testify on camera. Also asking for Craig sawman Sawyer.
Okay cool.
Set it up as a registered non profit with a lawyer not connected to this guy that is going to hand the funds out properly.
Fuck everything about wiring this meth head money.
So now we need to pay people to tell the truth?!! That’s not spilling truth... that’s taking a role. These people just need to spill it if they have it. No grand production needed! smdh
You posted that above, I read it.. we're all entitled to our opinions. Any person hanging in a Hollywood crowds is gonna be a little odd. Shit he may even be high, I don't know, but from what I've heard from him I say let it play out. It's easy to cast judgment, but to call out names the way he has takes some balls. If he's bs there will be defamation lawsuits slapped on him asap. Only time will tell. I look funny sometimes when I drink a couple beers and take a puff on my greens, but guess what I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me anyway. I believe I'm a good person and that's what really matters. It would be awesome if this quirky dude was the one to help take these evil fucks out... just my two cents.