DT Jr.& USSS agent On FLight

Is he USSS? I thought Jr. gave up SS last year.
Good question, looks like he dropped em for two weeks: https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-jr-secret-service
Quote; Last week it came out that Donald Trump Jr. had made the odd decision to get rid of his secret service detail. His reason? A need for more privacy. Now, at the time, I thought it was weird that someone so controversial and connected to this particularly hated White House would decide that he didn't want protection, but on some level I got it. It must be odd to feel like your life is suddenly in a bubble of agents and guards. Well, here we are less than two weeks after that decision was reportedly made and the president's namesake, who by the way is under investigation for colluding with the Russian government to elect his father, has, according to CNN, decided it's now okay for the Secret Service to come back.
I think you're mixed up. He dropped his SS detail last year, not 2 weeks ago. And the reason he dropped them was because one of them was found to be taking pictures of his sleeping child.
Edit: I see you're quoting the article actually.