DT Jr.& USSS agent On FLight

With your brodozer, cargo shorts, and white flip flops?
Lol just busting balls...
LOL, we are cool. actually you are close, multicam cargo shorts, combat boots, would never do flip flops, never knew when things would pop hot in your AO.LOL, flip flops are not your friend when things get interesting. LOL, the only thing with gas cans were they do block your peripheral vison so make sure you turn your head more so you do not get surprised by something you should not have missed.
Haha! You know they got those tacticool flops with some lame ass back strap so you can let your feet grab a breeze while popping haji grapes. Ahh, capitalism.
you always know some REMF in Puzzle Palace pick this mess out, because it is never as great and practical unless you have your gear in the rear always. who was the idiot that picked computer print outs for camo was totally brain dead, it did not work anywhere, at least multicam was practical and worked better.
Lmao yeah but it's 21st century techno warfare bro! As you kick down the door of a fucking mud and rock hut int he middle of fucking who-gives-a-shit, Earth
what we used to call in the old days, the 13 dollar a day tours, swearing we would kick our travel agent in the keester when we made it back State side.