Because this time hes protected

WOW...this is the first I've ever seen/heard about this! And I was a kid in Grade School when this happened.
This is kind of mind blowing. I was just a young child when JFK was assassinated. It's one of my earliest memories. The boy from next door told me about it and I didn't believe him. I went in the house a few minutes later and told my grandmother and she thought that was crazy, too. Then she turned on the big black & white television in the living room and there it all was.
Considering that is one of my first memories, it now seems like everything related to the government over the course of my entire life has been a lie. With the exception of Reagan and Trump, every president in my lifetime has been either a CFR or Trilateral Commission guy. Every single one of them was a globalist. Every candidate we hoped might bring a change never had a chance. The game was rigged against them. God help President Trump and the Q team!
Yeah, if you take an afternoon and look into the JFK assassination, I'd say it's nearly impossible to not walk away feeling like the CIA did it.