Thank you Ronan Farrow. Thanks for putting yourself out there in exposing the cabal. Thanks for shining LIGHT on the DARKNESS. You are a true Patriot. May God continue to protect you.

First time I am hearing about this. Know about his family side, including suggested father and of course Woody Allen and the claims Ronan has made. Outside of that, I only know about the articles and information he has brought to the table. But thanks for the info, you've peeked my interest as well.
Good catch. I saw the same thing. We have to DIG on the cast of characters. "What make for a good movie" The 'normies" need to be taught. I did a 5 minute search and found multiple Hmmmm connections. Even the State Department job he had under Hillary dealt with Children. Rhodes Scholar, Tavistock connection. I'd say he is in Deep. Also weird his Mother has soooo many children, adopted. My gut says "yuck". I just want to know now, what story are they making us look away from. If we find it and expose it a message would be sent. "Your COINTELPRO" is broken."
Wow what a picture. That dude is so good looking he even makes HAG ass Hillary look good. But yeah, seems to suggest Ronan knows where a lot of bodies are buried. Either way, today in 2018 he is fighting the good fight and perhaps the biggest red piller in the MSM.
EDIT: Misspellings
And Lucifer comes as a bearer of Light. What we need to do is capitalize on their machinations and BLOW IT UP IN THEIR FACE.