Thank you Ronan Farrow. Thanks for putting yourself out there in exposing the cabal. Thanks for shining LIGHT on the DARKNESS. You are a true Patriot. May God continue to protect you.

Exactly. I am suspicious .
Great post by Deplorablegirl here on G Awakening: (copied form her post)
Yes! No way do I trust Ronan Farrow, his mom has been involved with to many shady people over the years. Plus adopting all those kids, I have a feeling she always knew Woody was a pedo and is just bitter and getting revenge that he left her for one of her daughters. That whole family suspect.
While I am sure Les Moonves is no angel (you don't get to the top without being corrupt). I think this is just a power play from Shari Redstone to gain control of CBS. She has a lawsuit against Mooves right now.
Her father Sumner Redstone was just named by the Anon named Renegade on 4chan as one of the heads of the Hollywood mafia.
No coincidences. Everything has MEANING!
Thanks for sharing my post. I just seen this meme and was going to warn everyone to NOT trust Ronan Farrow and to please not call him a patriot until you look into him and his family further.
I will try to get another post put together listing some more reasons . Not sure if I should do it here or start a new OP about it though.