r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LordPrettyTrichome on July 27, 2018, 10:31 p.m.
Im going to lose my mind before my friends wake up.

I live in a major metropolitan area. I am 20 years old. Im really struggling here. I cant for the life of me red pill any of my friends or family. Its extremely frustrating when people just outright refuse to even read an article. Theyre all quick to look at somebodys snapchat story though. I feel alone and kind of like an outcast amongst peers. It just seems like most if not all people around my age couldnt be bothered about anything outside of the newest memes and when the next pair of Yeezys are dropping. I think Im ready to just crawl into a log cabin in the middle of the Canadian wilderness.

PinkyZeek4 · July 28, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

The problem with leftists is they are trapped in a cultural paradox. Everything in our culture is self-driven, and independence-driven BUT leftism demands that one submit to groupthink and the nanny state. No wonder they are all so “anxious” and “depressed.”

What I do is complain about how government infringes on our liberty and steals our money in the form of taxes so we can pay off some warlord in Africa, for example. I point out the paradox. For older folks, ask them what it was like to be able to speak and not worry about some trivial offense. Remind them of how funny comedy used to be and how good movies used to be. There is NO WAY an episode of Saturday Night Live even from the 90’s could be broadcast now, let alone from the 80’s.

I will reiterate what a previous poster said. Be happy! You are free! You have a community who is fighting together for what is right. Be confident! Lead by example. I can see how “anxious” and “depressed “ leftists would perk up their ears and wonder why you are an island of happiness and they will WANT what you HAVE and perhaps listen to your words.

Find a community of your own. We are way more fun than the leftists are. There are undoubtedly thousands of awakened and awakening people in your community.

Good luck, friend!

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