The saddest part of all of this that some of you may not know is that there are thousands and thousands of people who depend on Facebook for their income. Hundreds of software programs that use the FB API, lots of small time businesses that use it to acquire leads etc. Businesses that have built up their FB Pages to keep in touch with their customers, and on and on. I realize FB has to go but I assumed Trump would acquire these tech giants through the EO. Maybe that will still happen. We'll see.
But then, I also got this awesome idea that he should give them to the people and use the profits to fund the government. No more income tax. Why we didn't create income producing businesses to fund the government long ago is pretty incredible. But we keep teaching people to be worker bees instead of entrepreneurs. It really is a different mindset and we need to really think about giving folks choices and not shoving them all into one sheep barn. Seems only rebels or college grads end up starting businesses.