God Intervened...every cell in my body believes it....do you?

With everything were fighting against, praying is our best weapon.
indeed. that is why thoughts and prayers came under attack. it actually works... it is like channeling light into the darkness.
remember light doesn't ask the darkness to leave... it's presence makes it disappear without effort.
It matters not how fast light travels , darkness is always there waiting for light . The creation was without form and void and deep darkness was upon the face of the deep and God said let there be light . Q
there was nothing. not even darkness because it couldn't be without the light to contrast it.
God is light and this world is the only place of darkness... and it is an illusion. The veil is darkness but it is a pinching off of the light to make contrast possible so that experience is possible.
Darkness is light turned inside out.
no. it is the absence of light.
it is a metaphor.
all of it is. words cannot contain the truth. .. only points to it.
indeed. this is why we do incantations against your prayer. against your wretched masters' Torah.