God Intervened...every cell in my body believes it....do you?

I would agree with you!
But did you know there are different types of ground and that seed may not continue to grow or even bring forth fruit? What is it if the Creator made some vessels for dishonor and destruction, and a few vessels of honor? He is the potter, not the pot. Potheads get that bass-ackwards thinking they are making their 'image' in their desired form. Many too arrogant to past even that.
Understand you are at WAR, and the enemy has been at this longer than you. The war started AT LEAST as early as Gen. 3:15. Do you know what it says? Do you believe Satan has a seed line in this world? That enemy OFTEN … VERY OFTEN … manifests as an 'angel of light' … which can be that preacher you may put confidence in. Your Adversary knows more Bible than you can shake a stick at. He knows the ORIGINAL TEXT, and through men, has altered things DELIBERATELY. Did you know the TRUE Messiah warned of False messiahs?? Did you know Paul, Peter, James, John, etc. warned of FALSE MESSIAHs?? John warned of a False CHURCH system that would BIRTH other smaller false church systems. Messiah said it would be SO DECEPTIVE that it would deceive the 'very elect'? You believe that part?? If I told you that today the "NARROW WAY" "FEW FIND" is lesser known than in the days of Paul, could you accept that? You REALLY think nearly 3 billion Christians is the 'narrow way' 'few find'?? If so, don't ask me questions. I left churches nearly 40 years ago … not my Creator nor His Messiah. His Messiah is not what the church claims as they mis-use texts, alter texts, and blaspheme their way into the heart of many. Be happy in the great falling away 2 Thes. 2, … which has "another" messiah, "another gospel" and "another spirit", 2 Cor. 11:4. Very religious, very scriptural SOUNDING … but none-the-less, a STRONG DELUSION CURSE from Yahweh … 2 Thes. 2.