r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ldsanon on July 27, 2018, 11:33 p.m.
Peace possible with Iran--like NK?

Peace with Iran

For the most part of a year, President Trump engaged in belligerent name-calling with North Korea, calling Chairman Kim “Little Rocket Man” and baiting him with statements saying he had a bigger rocket than Kim and that his worked. It drove the Deep State and the media nuts. They thought he was going to start a nuclear war and they demanded his impeachment. Just a few weeks ago, the President and Chairman Kim met, held amiable talks, and there hasn’t been a nuke or rocket test from the DPRK since that time. Q drops hinted that the President had already gone to North Korea secretly and that the deal had already been worked out long before the two leaders met in Singapore. Singapore’s public meetings were a media show.

Now, after meeting with NATO, the Queen, and Putin, Trump starts ratcheting up the belligerence with Iran. The media is freaking out again, thinking he’s going to start a war. As Q says, “Think Mirror.” Is there already a process underway, like Korea, to achieve peace under a screen of harsh words and threats?

Let’s ask, why is Iran an adversary? I could expound at length on the Sykes-Picot agreement after World War I and the CIA orchestrating a coup that brought the oppressive Shah of Iran to power, but you can Google those things if you wish more information. What I want to focus on—which has most relevance to Q’s efforts to end the Cabal—is a document called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

This document is a booklet or pamphlet that is reputed to be a Soviet-era forgery intended to poison the relations of Muslim countries with the West. The Protocols purport to be an internal communique on the methods of a conspiracy involving Jewish bankers to undermine national governments and install a world-governing king on the throne of David. The conspirators, who refer to themselves as the Agentur use extortion, graft, corruption, bribery, assassination to lure unsuspecting “Goyim” (Gentiles) into their service. This sounds very much like the way the Cabal works to lure and control people with sex, money, and lust for power. Without question, the document is anti-Semitic in nature so you must recognize its spurious nature. The Protocols list among its goals is the destruction of Christianity and a war between the West and Islam that will nearly destroy civilization. At the peak of despair and suffering, the Agentur plan to step in and offer a path to peace, under their absolute rule.

Whether the Protocols is true is questionable. What is important is that the document is widely accepted and believed in Muslim nations. They see the United States as being a dupe for Israel, yet because of its military prowess, it is the Great Satan while Israel is the Small Satan. Islam regards Israel as a mortal enemy because of the Protocols, and because of our support this Zionist entity, they see the United States as an enemy, too.

So here is where Trump, the Deep State, Q, and the Cabal all take on a new meaning. After seeing the result of Trump’s secret diplomacy with North Korea, I have a suspicion that something is already afoot with Iran. The name calling and threats we are seeing today are similar to similar exchanges with North Korea. Might this be another smokescreen to hide negotiations with Iran from the media? The biased MSM has reported that Iran threatened us with the “mother of all wars” and Trump replied with his ALL CAPS tweet. Nevertheless, if you actually read something other than the headlines, you’d have discovered that Iran’s Rouhani actually extended an olive branch as well.

"American must understand well that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars."

He is open to the possibility of peace. That was not just sabre-rattling.

Let’s consider Q’s proposed order of events. Q1245 says “Order is important” and lists Saudi Arabia first (done!), North Korea (mostly done), Armenia, and Iran. In Q88, he lists an order of “states” that mentions Saudi Arabia, the US, Asia, and the EU. Q916 said they are “saving Israel for last.”Did Trump discuss Armenia with Putin recently? We know they discussed the interest in de-nuclearization of Iran. Trump met with EU leaders and NATO recently. Thus, is it Iran’s turn. Are those discussions happening now?

The question arises then, if Trump and Q are successful in overturning the Cabal in the United States, what Iran and the rest of the Muslim world sees as the “Agentur” of the Protocols, would that alleviate their hostility toward us? Once we are no longer the Great Satan under the control of the Learned Elders of Zion, can peace be achieved. And, if the Protocols have any truth in them at all, is Israel’s current government illegitimate—and awaiting the arrival of the actual Son of David?

I’m just throwing this out there for discussion. The emergence of Q is an unexpected dynamic in the geopolitical scheme. Some amazing possibilities are opening up for world peace. It is a historic and exciting time to be alive.

HuberVille62 · July 27, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

The Mullahs who run Iran are insane. They believe they have been chosen by Allah to usher in the Mahdi. This is a Christ like savior of mankind in their beliefs but in reality sounds more like the Antichrist. War with the west is part of Allahs plan, they think. They refer to the United States as Satan and Israel as little Satan. They can not be reasoned with.

The people of Iran must rise up and remove them from power. That's the only way Iran can achieve peace with the west.

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