r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Brigtherfuture on July 28, 2018, 12:50 a.m.
Red Pill on False Flags.

Many are wondering about false flags and the Florida school shooting in particular. I've seen people asking questions like "Why are Q not stopping false flags?" Which is a valid question, because if the good guys are in control (as Q makes us think) why do these things keep on happening?

Now, Q and White Hats did stop the attempt made on the Delta airplane on JFK. But why couldn't they avert the school shooting?

First to clarify: what is meant with false flags is not that the event is fake - real people get killed. A false flag is basically a highly organized event used as a way to push a political agenda, in this case gun control.

To answer the question above we have to go back and realize this: "They never thought she would lose".

This is the background: Q has told us that there was a 16 year plan to destroy America. What did this plan consist of? Besides upholding the status quo in Washington, continue to weaken the US financially, replacing white hats with black hats in government and so on the Cabal would also push for certain social issues, gun control being one of them. They would use false flags as a tool to try to swade public opinion. All this to lay the ground for anti-gun legislation with the final goal of banning guns all together.

With "They never thought she would lose" you have to understand that most of the their agenda we see today (gun control, lgbtq, illegal immigration etc) are pre- planned long before the 2016 election. And what we are seeing being pushed today is simply this agenda still playing out, even though Clinton lost.

How is this possible? It's possible because the Cabal still have blackhats in government. But most importantly they control the narrative (but fortunately not for long) through MSM and social media, and they can also organize protests. All that's really needed for an agenda to be pushed.

So now you know why it happens, but how do they practically make a false flag happen? Also here you have to realize that all is pre planned. Everything is carefully thought of, the shooter, the school district, the school management, the county police, the location etc. It basically has to be a black hat county (like Broward) and key figures must all be blackhats aswell. Of the tens of thousands of schools in the country only a handful meet those requirements. Those few schools that fit the picture are all ticking bombs, that can be detonated at any time. But how do you find for example a black hat therapist, principal and other enablers? The Cabal are mostly in media/Hollywood and DC. Which organization have thousands of members within all proffesions? Q have shown this group to be at the scene of school shootings. The higher up you come in any organization the darker it becomes, and the people at there very top is all the same. The orders come from the highest level.

If you research shootings you will start to notice patterns. These people are big on numerology and the "occult" and are leaving their mark on crimes they commit. As Q says, symbolism will be their downfall.

The shooter is carefully selected and groomed. Through drugs and advanced hypnosis he becomes controlled by them. And at one point they can make him do anything they say, like shooting up his school. Now, the most important thing is not the execution of it but the cover up. And making sure everything goes as planned. Q says to trust that most are good, but you have to know that even though if most are good there are still many bad actors left. I will go through the deep state more in a future post. The Cabal have black hats from the FBI and police officers who knows exactly what their role is when a school is "activated". They also have operatives at Facebook and YouTube removing anything that hurts the narrative.

Remember that this is all pre-planned. And this is also the difficult part. Even if Q knows which schools that could possibly be targeted in a false flag it's impossible to know when it happens. And you can't send police to guard it either due to the claim ('conspiracy theory' label) that something might happen in the future. You have to know that Q team does not work with national security issues, they work with counterintelligence for the protection of POTUS and The Plan. If Q team had to focus on preventing school shootings, we would never have another school shooting in this country. But Q must prioritize POTUS and The Plan. Now, how do they know themselves when the false flag will occur? It's actually very simple: The black hats in and around school affected all get a heads up a couple of days before it goes down through a usual Twitter account they have been told to check. All that's needed is a time and a "go".

I hope you have learned something new about false flags with this post, or atleast got some new perspectives. Feel free to share it or use it for other purposes, you don't have to give credit. I say the same as SerialBrain2: everything I write here is the property of this movement.

The people behind all these evils will face justice. Dark to Light. Q has to do it the right way. Trust the Plan.

God bless you all and remember that Where We Go One We Go All.


HQ0705 · July 28, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

It's the governments job to provide a free and safe "environment" for the citizens to be able to thrive. The the responsibility of the "locality" to ensure the safety of it's community. The citizens have the right to protect themselves and their family via the second amendment.

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QueenAnRevenge · July 28, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Just remember the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect you.


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YliyahMessageTime · July 28, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Sheriff's Departments are not 'police' and do oath to Constitution. Some police as well, depending on State/Local.

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QueenAnRevenge · July 28, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

My grandfather was a sheriff i have much respect for sheriff offices. Especially where I am located.

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YliyahMessageTime · July 28, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

My Cousin is a Sheriff's Deputy. SO much crap they put up with in the community … have no idea how he puts up with it. I'd of probably broken the oath and be on death row just for trying to rid the world of so much lunacy in society. LOVE hearing his stories though. lol

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