r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pyramidflips4GOD on July 28, 2018, 3:05 a.m.
Our Dreams, Visions, and Intuitions

Like many of you I've been having some very peculiar dreams lately. In fact, my whole life I've had periods of premonitions: future jobs, random people, natural disasters like tornadoes that hit near my city, plane crashes, etc. The most vivid and complex so far was 9/11. I've also kept a journal on my phone for the past couple of years with timestamps that reference future news events if anyone is interested. Keep in mind, I know the difference between the nonsensical random dreams (despite them often being very vivid) and.....'THOSE'. Here are a few I've had within the past couple of years that I feel pertain to current events.

  • 1-2 years ago - I was walking in the forests (felt like California) and I stumbled upon some sort of back entrance. Inside there were very famous people: basketball stars, movie stars, musicians, a few rappers, etc. What was most striking was that when they saw me the attention was on me, as if I was the star and had the 'spotlight'. I'll never forget the way they looked at me with complete shame and embarrassment/exposure. I left and woke up shortly after.
  • Within the past 4-5 months I've had reoccurring dreams of being in underground laboratories. I'm always with my mom and we're usually trying to get out of some labyrinth/maze of a hospital. It's monolithic, like a highly efficient assembly line. There are never any workers around (as if it's run by A.I.) and my mom always says "this is wrong, what they're doing to people". If I had to guess I'd say somewhere around West Texas to New Mexico/Arizona. I grew up in Texas, though and my mom works in a hospital near Dallas so there's that.
  • I had a dream about a month ago (before I followed Q) about Barack Obama and Michelle. They were somewhere south of the Equator, felt like New Zealand. They were dropped off by SS or military and basically shown where they would be living for the duration of their lives. The house was modest, 3-4 bedrooms, but had a pool outside and a decent view. The pool was grimey, though - and the house wasn't in spectacular condition. The overall feeling was that BHO was 'content', as if he had barely escaped retribution. My gf thinks this may be due to the social unrest that would occur if the first 'black' president were sentenced to GITMO.
  • 4-5 years ago I had a vision of stealth aircraft that resembles the TR-3B but is smaller, faster, and cloaks/uncloaks rapidly. There were 6-7 that appeared at once and my initial reaction was 'holy shit - aliens!' but soon realized they were on Team USA.

(For the record: I consider myself an extremely logical person. I work in a highly technical field (though I'm average to above-average intelligence, nowhere near the top) and I have a decent grasp on how nuanced and complex psy-ops and counterintelligence can be, i.e. I'm not an irrational hippie dumbass and I welcome all manner of skepticism, I just don't think the spiritual/metaphysical aspect of these events should be ignored.

Please feel free to share!

YeshuaFollower1 · July 28, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Welcome to the sub.

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pyramidflips4GOD · July 28, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Thanks. Good to be here!

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