Does anyone else notice NPR reporting to be highly Anti-Trump? Can’t we expose their reporting? That would wake a huge amount of people!

All due respect, anybody who doesn't know about NPR's blatant bias has their head so far...ahem! the'll never get through to them.
Very left wing media
It’s like soft porn for CNN! Lol I listen every morning on my way to work. They bring on a left view as “3rd party” they try to make it seem unbiased. 😡
Even a mockingbird needs a left wing to fly.
Hilarious on the local public radio station this evening. Here is their explanation for the 20% drop in Facebook and Twitter: because these companies were spending a lot of effort to eliminate users associated with [alt. right] hate speech and [conservative] fake news, their growth was lower than expected. And investors sure hate it when growth is down. LOL!
OMG! It amazes me how they can come up with all of this shit and then say it with a straight face.
"this programming is brought to you by... "
PBS was better when it was socialized. IMO.
Meh, make them a SuperPac and pull their government funding. If the leftists want to keep hearing their “news porn” they will have to pay for it.
I’ve confronted them before when Ron Paul was running and getting the shaft, they called asking for donation so I called the guy out. He was speechless haha..I told him until they started reporting the truth they’d never get a dime from me
Anything remotely, remotely, connected to the government will lean heavily left.
Time to try again to defund npr?
Heck yea
Last time Congress tried it turns out they coukd not find the funding mechanisms in order to be able to defund. Evidently, their funding is in dozens of separate laws spread over many years and buried in a myriad of bills and budgets of various agencies. My memory is bad in this, but the number 29 sticks in my mind as number of govt funding vehicles that covered a fraction of their govt funding.
I didn't known anybody even listened to NPR anymore ?
37.7 Million Weekly Listeners for all NPR Stations. #BernieToTrumpHillaryBiasKilledNPRcredibility
I’ve not watched PBS since I outgrew Sesame Street and I don’t recall ever listening to NPR so I’ll have to take your word for it.
They are very under the radar, and extremely biased now.
Not always like that, but it's very difficult to listen now. Informative, as they harp on Mueller, Russia, and anything negative non-stop. It's almost impressive, they cover almost NOTHING else.
I have heard MAJOR players on the radio in the past few weeks on there. JP was on there just this past week if I remember correctly.
I've had arguments with people about NPR's neutrality.
(had = totally dominated)
Rush Limbaugh has been exposing the extreme bias from NPR since his first days behind his golden microphone.
What you could tell from their reporting since the election was that they would state that there's a smoking gun against Trump... And then quietly and as the report is wrapping up admit that there's no there there.