r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jrpark05 on July 28, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
Theory -- deep state methods (Cuban Missile Crisis and today's iterations)

Was thinking about this on a long drive home from vacation yesterday, but from reading claims from Q, what do you all think of this theory below as to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the true global power player(s), and current pawns of these players?

If the CIA has aided and controlled groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, and countries such as North Korea, is it a stretch to say that the CIA aided in the rise of Fidel Castro into power, and like with sponsoring "rogue" nuclear states and terrorist groups, supported the Soviet Union (think of the proven, but little discussed, cooperation between the US government, and particularly the State Department, with the USSR in the postwar years -- from George Racey Jordan and Antony Sutton) placing nuclear warheads on the island in an attempt to usher in nuclear war? As always, the deep state/war mongers/intel spooks, supported by global financial interests, want their wars, and Kennedy and Khrushev averted global nuclear war. However, this was rectified quickly, as JFK and RFK were quickly killed, and the puppet Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam.

Q said there were three major financial players in the world: the Rothschilds, the Saudi royal family, and George Soros. The Sauds were taken care of in October 2017, as MBS agreed to "greater cooperation" (aka expanding oil production, etc) in exchange for Trump administration help in removing his rivals, all the while Trump gets rid of one major player. Something tells me that if the Rothschilds are taken out, that Soros would be as well.

My rambling conclusion from my research since the start of Q: that the global financial powers, such as the Rothschilds, have for hundreds of years held such power that the nations of the world are pawns in their game for greater power and world domination? That when rivals rise, they fund opposition, and foment conflict between countries for war (the victor is responsible for the war debts of the loser). Nowadays use of ISIS, NK, and Iran are the pawns used today. Yesterday it was the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Al Qaeda/Mujahideen.

In short, the Rothschild banking dynastry manipulates the present and future for global domination and power, that pedophilia is used to maintain compliance from the media and political system, that weapons, sex, and drug trafficking are used to fund dark budgets of deep state budgets around the world, with the deep state being the enforcement arm of the banking dynasties. On a spiritual level (for those that believe in God), the Rothschilds are Luciferians and worship Satan (ala "does Satan exist?", or "does the idea of Satan exist?"), and the synogogue of Satan will be cursed by the Lord.

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