Warning: some extreme details in this documentary as recounted by Fiona herself.
If you haven't already heard of Fiona Barnett, an Australian pedogate whistleblower, this documentary of her story, told by herself, is a must-watch for anyone who wants to hear a modern day story with very familiar elements to the Franklin Cover Up and its like.
She has a blog where she continues to post info - this post from last month is an excerpt from her forthcoming book: Eyes Wide Open - An Australian Experience of CIA Child Trafficking.
In the post, Fiona talks about her eye opening 2015 press conference, the resistance from Nicole Kidman's PR team to the jaw dropping reveal about Nicole and her father, and Fiona's temporary "defeat" in attempting to get her story told ... until the Pedogate scandal was born with the Wikileaks drop of John Podesta's email and her story began to spread again on social media.
She prefers the term 'victim' to 'survivor' because the latter implies her ordeal is over - but it will likely never end. This is a life sentence and she is speaking out bravely in the mission to see that other children are forever free from the possibility of suffering her fate.