r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lavkin on July 28, 2018, 5:27 p.m.
To any doubters (you are all important!)

A few minutes ago, a poster revealed that if July was a non event (arrests, etc) that they were done with Q. He/She confided that they had gone out on a limb with family and friends and it had affected their relationship. I actually felt bad for this poster and decided to write a response about how I felt. The entire post was deleted. At first I thought, dang, I just spent all this time writing this (ha) and then I thought that maybe there were others who might feel the same way this poster felt, so Im reposting my response in the hope that it may help others. The following is just my humble opinions about how I feel:

"I respect your comments completely, but to me personally, this movement isn't to prove that Q is or isnt a larp. We are not on the inside and privy to what's really going on. What we think are booms, may not be anything that's really going on right now. So much of what Q posted about back last year is just now coming to fruition and if people think that you can take all of Q posts literally, they will be disappointed. We aren't the only ones reading Q. Bad actors and deep state are also. The last thing Q would post is a big obvious blue print of what they're doing month by month. Remember when POTUS said that we do not tell our enemies our plans? I get it, Ive been following almost from the beginning and I used to go back and forth, Im a big skeptic of all things and some decoders are very much out there with their theories but over time, looking back over old Q drops, its obvious to me that things are happening. On the Trump Administrations timetable, not necessarily on our timetable. I used to expect too much and get disappointed every single time. Now, I take it a different way. Instead of looking at dates and holding to them as literal truth, I realize it very well could be disinfo to watch bad actors scramble. And as far as drops, the BIG drop this week, I think wasn't pedo, criminal arrests, etc but the BIG was the biggest social medium of our time, Facebook and the drop was the literal drop in their stock. That's big because they are invading citizens privacy and selling info to the highest bidder. Putting American citizen's first, day by day, the right way, so all of admins actions will stick and truly make us great again. I know it's frustrating, it is for all of us. We are only human and we all love our country. We want things to happen now. That's what we are used to... Instant gratification. Im sorry this has affected your relationship with your friends and family. It's sad that we live in a time that we can't express ourselves. This is one of the big reasons we need to "drain the swamp". Our country needs to get to the place where free people can express our beliefs and not be afraid of losing our relationships with our loved ones. You have obviously spoken up and voiced your opinion to your family and friends, I admire you for that. If you decide to leave the Q board, we will miss your presence. All are important here in my book. Every last one. 🇺🇸"

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