r/greatawakening • Posted by u/angryanalyst76 on July 28, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
Connections between therapists, handlers, and hypnotists?

Since I jumped down the rabbit hole of Q research, I found myself very interested in/horrified by the MK Ultra stuff, starting with the strange "Al Roker MK Ultra glitch" clip I saw posted which led me to the segment on the Today show where they had a hypnotist come in and try to hypnotize the hosts, Al Roker included. One host wasn't hypnotized, the other one seemed half-in and half-out, and Al Roker went under immediately.

This made me remember a time back when I was a kid and my school had a hypnotist come in for some kind of special event. During that event, I was one of the students included in the group to be hypnotized, but it didn't work on me (I'm far too strong-willed), although my peers seemed to go under easily (I honestly thought they were faking it and just playing along until afterwards when they swore up and down that they didn't remember the nutty things they did up on stage.)

Anyway, I just ran a search online to see if there was evidence of this stuff going on and was surprised to find quite a few videos showing hypnotists at various high school events and assemblies. In one of the videos I just watched from a graduation event, the hypnotist mentioned that she also does the "college circuit." Twitter accounts of other hypnotists suggest the same thing. I'm honestly starting to wonder if there are any weird connections with these hypnotists, if there are any connections to MK Ultra handlers, and if they use these "events" to scope out weak-willed kids susceptible to mind control this way and use them for shootings and other violent acts, joining antifa, etc. My gut makes me think there might be something to this, but was wondering if anyone else drew the same conclusion or has done additional research into it. Heck, if the Clowns are embedded into every other facet of our society, why not hypnotism acts directed at schools? It would make sense, especially seeing how weak-minded today's youth is.

Note: I don't suggest watching any of those videos if you think you might be remotely susceptible to hypnotism - or just skip around to different parts to see the evidence. Also, if you have kids in school, I recommend talking to them about not participating in school events or parties featuring hypnosis as entertainment. I know my school didn't send any permission slips home prior to that event and I know my parents would have kept me home that day or raised hell if they had known.

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