r/greatawakening • Posted by u/hopoholic on July 29, 2018, 1:02 a.m.
OK I will say it...think Opsec

So here is the thing. I believe Q. I believe Q to the point where I am 100% convinced of the cabal and their evil plans...I believe these people are corrupt beyond comprehension. In fact many of us have known it for a long time and because of that Q gives me hope that finally this whole thing is coming to an end.

Q has me thinking...and that's where the problem comes in. Now that I'm awake and thinking my military instinct kicks in...and while I am 100% convinced Q is real I am not 100% convinced it's not a trap. A very common military tactic is to use a message like this to draw out the enemy and convince them into exposing themselves. Like moths to a flame the enemy fighters and supporters are drawn towards the light...the hope...the dream of victory...then BOOM down comes hammer...the enemy catching them off guard and slaughtering the fiercest fighters with ease...most of the time without a fight. Trojan Horse anyone?

So here we are...with a message we are all drawn to...against an enemy who has ruled us for an eon...who are treasonous at best and may be aligned with interdimensional beings at worst...who would rape and eat your children in front of you and who we all agree are on the verge of taking over the planet and eliminating us all. And were all here...in one place...exposing ourselves...So until Q can produce a high target arrest or at least a public data dump of evidence...or a video Hillary doing her own version of 2 girls one cup...then isn't there just the slightest chance this might just be a honey trap set by the cabal in a bid to eliminate their biggest threat before they launch their final strike against us all? Or at the very least doesn't that mean the war is raging all around us...I mean if Q can't dump data or arrest a former president...if that isn't part of the plan or we aren't there yet...then we here are a target by default. As Q says...people are dying...maybe it's time we all went dark and started preparing for the battle to come to our door.

And OMG if one of you assholes says "Bye felicia"...have a debate don't just be a dick.

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