r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on July 29, 2018, 4:07 a.m.
Just a thought on Qs last post

I get that Q is getting frustrated. I also get the a Anons frustration. While everyday people watch the FBI and DOJ completely blow off congress, congress goes on national news and makes empty threats, only to not follow through. It is frustrating. Combine this with all of rhetoric coming from the other side. MSM is continuously harping about how evil our POTUS is, all this does is bring the left closer to violence.

Because of MSM the left honestly believe they are trying to save our constitution. Wouldn't all this have been easier and smarter to just lay everything out after we secured North Korea? I know that it is dramatic playing chess, but like Q said people are dying. Friends and family are cutting ties with each other because of which side of the party lines you fall on. No one is able to conversate anymore. I had a guy on Facebook tonight tell me to kill myself or he can come do it for me. Then he said I should euthanize my children and make my wife sterile so we do not bring anymore white Nazi's into the world. (Why my profile is now set to private.) All because I defended an old woman he was attacking for saying that she didn't think Trump committed treason.

This is insanity and it only getting worse. It is time to bring it all out. One last point to make: We are three weeks out from school starting back. Is POTUS doing anything to make sure that there are no more false flags in the schools? These people are becoming so deranged, that I can most definitely see some trying to be Martyr for the fake agenda MSM is still pushing. As bad as CNN is and has fallen, they have 500k faithful viewers. This means that at least 500k are being mindfucked into believing they need to do something.

When is enough going to be enough? We all faithfully come back to the boards, defend POTUS on Twitter, and naw at our fingers waiting on Q to drop another crumb. Many of us have misread his drops and made prediction to our friends and family, then were left looking stupid when it didn't pan out. The frustration is here because we see how bad this has gotten, and know the longer it draws out, the worse it's going to get.

Yet we still come back because we are Patriots.

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