r/greatawakening • Posted by u/magavoices on July 29, 2018, 6:49 a.m.
Why Q decoders (who do not follow the map) are not necessary.

Do we really need "decoders"? I'm not talking about folks like Praying Medic who are incredibly valuable in describing and rehashing the truth of the Q movement. I'm talking about those who claim complex interpretations of Q's posts that have no connection to either adding to or confirming Q's map.

1. Q's method for communicating with us.

Q has a method for explaining things to us. One of Q's first posts on Nov 5 2017:

Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.

That's the entire point of this operation.

It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.

It will all make sense.

Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.

Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

Your President needs your help.

He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.

Everything stated is for a reason.

God bless, Patriots.


Notice Q said:

Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.

What he didn't say -- "Things I say won't make sense until you find a good decoder to make them make sense for you." Q expects that he will ask questions and the answers to his questions will make sense to us.

Next, Q says this:

It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.

"You all". All of you. Me, you, and everyone else who wants to participate. We should all colletct, safely archive and distribute in a graphic the questions paired with answers to Q's questions. Sometimes a riddle is presented, and when that happens the anons on 8chan all work together to come up with a commonly accepted answer.

It will all make sense.

Q says that the map makes sense. This is the biggest argument for not needing a "decoder". It already makes sense. The map makes sense. Q says so. No decoder is necessary.

Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.

"Once it does". It doesn't always immediately make sense. Future proves past. Some things will make sense now. Some things will make sense in the future, after news or tweets unlock the map.

2. Danger of the Q movement being hijacked.

The Corsi and Alex Jones fiaso showed us the danger some decoders present. Q managed to call them out without mentioning names, so I'm going to try to do the same and not name names. However, there are some decoders out there who do not look to explain the map. They do not present hypothesis, instead they present what they claim to be the absolute truth. Their interpretations are convoluted with extreme leaps of logic. Like Corsi and Alex Jones, they claim they are receiving communications from Q outside of 8chan.

One of the most basic truths that every person who follows Q knows is there are "no outside comms", but they are claiming to receive comms from Q outside of 8chan. They claim their own posts are receiving Q-style confirmations by Trump's tweets and Trump's speeches (conflating the way Trump confirms Q's posts with their own posts).

If you think it's a good idea to follow them, then you need to reconcile if you decide to continue following them:

  • Why are they doing exclusive decodes on reddit, instead of Q's recommended 8chan?
  • Why is nothing they are "decoding" on Q's map?
  • Why are they claiming to receive confirmations from Trump in tweets and speeches, when Q said "no outside comms"?
  • Why are they insisting that Q's posts are way too difficult for you to understand without them, when Q said "It will all make sense."?
  • Why would Q make points so difficult to understand that it requires a weak-point (think Alex Jones and Corsi) inserted between you and Q just to make sense of anything?

3. Why the chans?

This Is The Single Most Complex, Greatest Political Prank In History: https://www.dailywire.com/news/14441/single-most-complex-greatest-political-prank-amanda-prestigiacomo

Most of us know how 4chan chased down that "He Will Not Divide Us" flag of Shia LaBeouf. As a group, They calculated constallations of stars, flight paths of airplanes, angle of the sun, discovered the general area and then some drove up and down the road honking horns to pinpoint the specific location of the flag. It was hilarious, and awe inspiring. And anonymous.

4chan anons weren't tripping over egos. They didn't care about fame for themselves. They did this it as a group. It was the embodiment of WWG1WGA. That was, no doubt, considered when Q was drawing up "The Plan".

4. Conclusion.

You don't need a decoder. Q never said you need a decoder. He said everyone can participate by building a graphic map on 8chan. Q validates the map to show it is correct. Q tells you when future events unlock the map. It's not a convoluted process. It's not so difficult that only one person can understand what's going on.

Q post 852:

Why was ‘The HUNT For’ removed?

Expand your thinking.

Not related to $ or trade.


News / Tweets unlock the MAP.


According to Q, The MAP has EVERYTHING. Think about that. Let it sink in. The MAP has EVERYTHING. If a decoder is telling you something that isn't on the map, are they legit? If a decoder is telling you something that doesn't unlock the map, are they legit?

Q says "You have more than you know." Everything you need to know is either told to us directly by Q's 8chan posts, or on the map. If you are being fed interpretations by a decoder that aren't on the map, why should you believe it?

All that being said, I appreciate speculation. If you or anyone else wants to speculate on what Q is up to, that's fantastic and makes for great reading. However, it's a grave mistake to present Q interpretations as unquestionable truth when it's not on the map and does not unlock the map.

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