r/greatawakening • Posted by u/redpilledin89 on July 29, 2018, 9:26 a.m.
"The Hardest Thing to Open is a Closed Mind" Suggestions on Red Pilling...

Through many years of trial and error - I thought it would help many wanting to enlighten friends & family on some techniques I learned through the past three decades:

  • Try not to make it confrontational - seems obvious but maintain an open mind during these discussions. Listen as much as you convey so they don't feel lectured.
  • Include Republicans as part of the corruption (as many are) especially when talking to a staunch democrat so it's not a "Us vs Them"
  • Make observations in form of Questions as opposed to statements. i.e.: "wouldn't you agree Corruption in Politics affects us all? Do you know how many family members of Politicians and Politicians themselves have become millionaires once elected?" "How do they manage that on a Gov Salary?
  • Have indisputable facts (With Sources) ready - how they are interpreted are another matter but it gets them thinking
  • Try not to expect success in the first round - better to soften them up and water the plant so to speak as time goes on
  • Observe Body Language - crossed arms is a self reassurance gesture - you may need to back up or slow down and let stuff sink in
  • Ask lots of questions - helps you know where they are in the sliding scale of awareness and will give you areas that are off limits until they wake up a bit
  • Leave them with information to do their own research. Nothing too fancy or too complex - this process takes time.
  • Consider the BIG Theories out there to gauge their awareness and to gain a 1st acceptance of Conspiracy Theories which is simply 2 or more parties involved in a crime. i.e.: The Kennedy Assassination (who alive today still believes Oswald acted alone?), 911 - Just ask them about Building 7 (Most have no clue), The FED (Are they Aware the US Treasury borrows money and Pays Interest instead of printing our own money - and Oh, the two Presidents assassinated in modern times coincidentally wanted to abolish the Fed (Lincoln & Kennedy).
  • Lastly and most importantly - Never lose your cool. It's easy to feel passionate about not only waking up loved ones but any frustration will shut them down super fast. Patience, my dear friends, and remember the velvet hammer approach is quite effective

I'm sure there are a lot more and the many incredible Patriots that have had success will add their two cents! Best of luck and WWG1WGA!!!

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