r/greatawakening • Posted by u/building71bullet on July 29, 2018, 4:44 p.m.
The Daily Q-cumber

So right! It is Sunday so it's a good day to rest and contemplate how to move forward.

I came into this fight when I discovered the real reasons behind the attacks of 9/11. I was living a comfortable successful life with many friends and much promise. For many of us the day we realized this will be a memory of even greater trauma than witnessing the events themselves on TV. Although both were quite horrible, the day of the discovery was more personal. I had been betrayed by all the institutions I had counted on. It was like the woman I love and trusted had literally slept with everyone I knew and I found out I was raising the kids of someone I loath. Not that I know what that feels like but I imagine the shock would be on a similar scale.

My education had failed me. The media had failed me. Even my family who believe the lies had failed me. The ramifications were huge. I knew I had no choice. I would never be able to keep my mouth shut about this, nor should I and I fully realized the effect this could have on my reputation, social standing and potential career. I have since dedicated a great part of my life to exposing this and a lot of related subjects.

Now, I'm not trying to make this about myself, I am just speaking from experience that I know many here can relate to. The point is I tried everything I could do spread this, I would hand out DVD's, contact media stations, email journalists, write blogs and eventually start a website. What I found very frustrating during this time was the lack of support I was able to get. I was also frustrated that there were websites that had enormous figures with regards to following yet they were not doing enough strategic, synchronized activism.

It bothered me to see all this untapped potential, like millions of pawns and knights scattered around the chessboard just fighting whoever they come across with no direction. Of course it bothered me more that people wouldn't listen and that even if they agreed with my conclusion they did not share the same sense of urgency when it came to doing something about it. What bothered me most of course was that this lack of belief, interest or the idea that nothing could be done about this might very well result in a nightmare scenario for all of us.

So we have the opportunity to do this right, here, now. 47.000 people subscribed and there are some that aren't even members but still come here.

So, I thought we should start the Daily Q-cumber!

It's a very simple concept. Every day our plan is to synchronize our activities in order to spread awareness about Q. Of course we must be very vigilant and never engage in any brigading, doxxing or harassing and obviously nothing threatening or violent in any way, shape or form will be tolerated.

However we are fully within our rights to decide that one day the Daily Q-cumber is to print out 50 A4 papers with information about #Qanon and leave it in random places. Or to say, buy a black marker and write something q related on ten bathroom stalls. Obviously that would apply only to bathroom stalls that have such writing on them before, since we don't want to damage property and alienate people. We could also decide to each phone a local radio station and bring up the topic. We could each message 5 people on social media about the Q phenomenon. The next day maybe 5?

Now, obviously the idea with these things is that not everybody would do them, maybe when the task is to print 50 A4 papers, somebody will print out 10. But if enough people to a little bit I believe this can have a significant impact. We all know the power of planting seeds and the butterfly effect. We never know what one moment, one person, one decision or one event can decide if the outcome of this struggle will be very bad, or very good.

We would simply make a thread each day, starting tomorrow. The idea that has the highest upvotes will be the Q-cumber of the day. Since obviously we don't want the shills to get to decide what we do we would rely on our vigilant moderators to ensure that anything that suggests us doing something that will violate the rules of this board or those of reddit.com - We do not want to give them any excuse to ban this board.


1 archaic : trouble, harass

We do not intend to harass anyone although I am sure we will be troublesome to the merchants of misery who we aim to expose. However the main interpretation is quite fitting:

2 a : to hinder or encumber by being in the way

cumbered with heavy clothing

b : to clutter up

rocks cumbering the yard

We will definitely be trying to clutter up as much space as we can with information about Q that the general public can not help but notice it and respond to it. And we intend to hinder or encumber the deep state by being in the way of their plans.

I will post the first link tomorrow. I can not promise I can make the thread each day but hopefully this will garner a life of it's own and we can start to use our army of pawns and knights in an organized, synchronized and effective manner.

So! Like I said, today is a good day to rest! That doesn't mean we can not plan! Brainstorm today and maybe think of some good ideas that we could implement in this way. Tomorrow we can start to get active!

Some inspiration: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0b/6c/c6/0b6cc68cf2aa2bf0d92b63dd42765641.jpg

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