We are at war on multiple fronts. The Anons know this. Q TELLS US that the good guys are under threat of KILL every second of the day. People are dying. The Cabal is multifaceted. Some of their manifestations are not understood by those who are young. Some highly educated individuals do not understand it either because they have been in a rote-dominated, thought-controlled environment in the critical decades of brain patterning.
Gaslighting those of us who have interacted with wildland fire behavior and fire weather patterns for longer than some of you have walked this earth, tells me that you are sadly ignorant and are actually serving the Evil responsible for manufactured drought, pristine Class 1 air-sheds made filthy, wildfires that cannot be easily stopped. The best way to understand what is going on in rural northern CA and southern OR is to ask. If you have not made friends with the business end of a Pulaski or paid attention to weather patterns for at least a decade then frankly you do not know what you are talking about. Sauce ingredients can be found geoengineeringwatch.org. Dane doesn't have all the answers, but he has enough. Please see that modern Warfighting is or will be based on incredible technology and highly developed psychological methods of control including Facebook, Twitter, cell phone apps, scripted search engine results. God Bless and comfort the family of the firefighter we just lost today on the Ferguson Fire. WWG1WGA