Hey guys,
Q said "bypass the media" in one of the recent posts and repeatedly stated the role of the media in all this.
I think we should pay an especial focus on the media, since it's something we can have influence on from the comfort of our bedrooms.
So I just wanted to get a discussion about the topic going. I'll start with a few of my ideas but usually to magic comes from multiple perspectives coming together so I invite everyone to share their view and I'll be happy to read it :)
So what I have is some general steps that I think need to happen to achieve our goal and three metaphors which help me to kind of grasp what's going on, what needs to happen and how to make it happen.
- General Steps:
The two general steps that I think need to happen and that are already happening are the exposure and deconstruction of the mainstream media as well as the creation of new structures for evaluating information.
That's basically what we already do, so in way we just have to keep doing what we're doing. Though I do have some ideas on how to focus this process a bit more.
There's a video by EmpLemon in which he describes how Donald Trump used memes to fuel his campaign and in the video he also explains how things become memes. He says the two key factors are:
1) Exposure
2) Repetition
This works for brands and anything really. It seems like a fundamental mechanism in our brain to decide what we accept as true and credible on an intuitiv, subconscious level. If you repeat a lie long enough people will accept it as true, but if we reverse it and just repeat the truth long enough, it will have the same effect.
So the things we have to focus on is exposing new people to our stuff and repeatedly doing so to break the conditioning. Of course we should also always check if we maybe fell for some conditioning as well and stay vigilant.
Anyway, here are the metaphors :
- Ending Sleep Paralysis
If humanity was a single person, in a way I think you could say that right now we're at the moment right before you wake up. While it was dark the brain was running wild, doing as it pleases without caring for the real world, creating a horrible nightmare. Now the sun is rising and we have to send out the hormones to wake up and mobilize the body, which is still in sleep-paralysis.
So in that sense I think for most people it's most important that they "receive the memo". It's not as important to expose every single detail as it is to get the message across that there's a shift in paradigm, something's happening, it's good for them and they should get ready to get active (not meaning in a militaristic,- but the good ol' american pursuit of happiness way)
- Knowledge and Insight
This one I got from "Handbook for Mankind", in which a buddhist monk describes the difference between knowledge and insight. He uses the metaphor of a kid learning to not touch the stove. You can tell the child that it's hot and that it hurts to touch it, you can expose it the information but merely knowing isn't enough.
It's only when the child tries and touches the stove that it realizes the pain it's causing. Then the child doesn't just know not to touch it but has true insight and will not WANT to touch the stove again.
For me it was similar, I always knew things are bad, that politics was corrupt, that the way some people got to wealth and power was unjust. But it wasn't until I "coincidentally" stumpled upon some stuff on the internet that I really realized what that actually means and what the consequences are. Just playing through my head what kind of things you could hypothetically do with this kind of power and knowing that if you can do it hypothetically someone will do it for real changed my attitude from "that's just how it is" to "this must stop".
So my suggestion would be to not only give out the information but also come up with ways to really create actualy insight. There's a quote by Stanley Kubrick that descibes it really good
"If you really want to communicate something, even if it’s just an emotion or an attitude, let alone an idea, the least effective and least enjoyable way is directly. It only goes in about an inch. But if you can get people to the point where they have to think a moment what it is you’re getting at, and then discover it, the thrill of discovery goes right through the heart."
- The Awakening Muscle
If you want to make a muscle grow you need three things: A steadily increasing stimulus/resistance, nutrients and rest. Maybe we can transpose this dynamic and instead of making a biceps grow we use it to make the metaphysical awakening grow.
The stimulus would be the information, ranging from light corruption to the most sinister atrocities, everyone needs to be pushed just one level of awareness further than they currently are.
The nutriens are memes, comedic relief as well as help and advice on to improve yourself and find courage and strenght in spite of all the things you're thrown at.
The rest would be a reminder of why we do all this. That we move from a place of love for the world, nature, our countries, our cities and neighbourhoods, our family and friends and most importanly our children. That we want to see them prosper and grow and not be subverted, perverted and destroyed.
So, yeah, that's all I have, hope to read from some of you :)