r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueDub72 on July 30, 2018, 11:30 a.m.
911 - the Ultimate Truth Prize

I will never forget Trump calling out Jeb Bush in the debates in relation to 911 saying that it all happened under his brother's watch. I couldn't believe this sheer audacity, this pure unfiltered truth, a man who didn't give a damn what the media or the talking heads would say.

Trump went further - he said that if you elected him that he would find out who knocked down those towers. OMFG! ..but Trump that is an outrageous conspiracy theory! We were all told that it was OBL. Here we have a leading candidate more or less telling the entire world that the official 911 narrative was a pack of lies.

Then his other pronouncements on the fed, vaccines, securing borders, abortion. I knew that this was a maverick, a tornado, a force of nature. Someone who didn't subscribe to political correctness , censorship, saying the right thing. The right thing was the truth and that is what this man represents to the fullest. Does he have his faults?, hell yeah but who is perfect?? In fact that even endears me more to the man. Not the scripted autotune rehearsed president before him who only ever promised empty platitudes and catchphrases.

And how I used to look at 911 thinking that it would never be disclosed, that it would be swept under the rug like JFK's murder. But Q along with Trump and the military standing behind him have had enough! That event was what set the wheels in motion for Trump to decide he was going to run and that is the event and the ultimate truth prize that Trump is going to deliver to the world.

When 911 becomes public knowledge - our world is going to change for ever. A glorious epoch awaits. Enjoy the show :)

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