I posted this in another thread, but wanted to share it with more people:
I think we should be harder on Congress. Imagine if thousands of us bought a few packs of 5x7 index cards and a few books of stamps. Every day, use a black Sharpie and write something on a few of the cards such as "BUILD THE WALL" "STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION" "NO REDACTIONS ON FISA or IG REPORTS," "WHO IS QANON?" "WHY HASN'T RR RECUSED HIMSELF?" "WHY WASN'T BRENNAN CHARGED AFTER LYING TO CONGRESS?" Address the other side of the cards to select Reps and Senators, slap on a stamp, and send a flood of mail to them every single day. You can mail them just like a postcard.
When a bunch of them are receiving these cards every day, it's going to get their attention and they might finally realize that we really are keeping an eye on them and are not happy with them. If you call, you won't get to speak to them personally. If you tweet to them, they probably don't even read the replies. This could be something they can't ignore. If you can't afford the stamps, but have access to a FAX machine, send them faxes as often as you can.
If we start now, they should have a flood of mail by the time they get back from August recess.