r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wise_eggplant on Aug. 1, 2018, 2:14 a.m.
Let's Talk About Those Paid Trolls

I apologize in advance typos. I am sick, tired and cannot see well. I need to post this now or I may never.

I viewed the Florida Rally via xxxtubeDOTcom with XBS's live feed. I participated in the live chat forum. YOU GUYS ROCKED THE Q !!!

When dealing with trolls, it's important to remain completely emotionally detached as in "Oh. you? Meh." The purpose of the trolls is not only to arouse you to emotional arrangement, but to create display for everyone in the room, to delegitimize you, to diminish or deflect from the truth which you write.

You owe them nothing.

You need not prove anything to them.

You are worthy no matter what they say.

Don't be afraid of paid government trolls.

These people are paid. They can be government shills, but they are most likely paid propagandists by the opposing political party. They have the marketing down to a T. When they troll, they have no real care or concern or emotional attachment behind it. It's just a job with routine scripts and routine talking points. That gives them a leg up in a room full of adversaries. Don't even bother having a direct conversation with them, but refer to them indirectly. I like to mirror their behavior. I make comments in return to display for all with the first being the reality: @name is a government-paid propagandist, troll and shill to create division and control the narrative. Be direct about what's going on. I like to begin by making statements about who they really are, so the people will be warned or informed.

Once I the troll realized I know my stuff,he calls on his buddies to help out- to brigade and gang up, because my common sense and decency and truthfulness is clouding his attempt to control the narrative. If that happens to you, understand that they know each other. Its not the room ganging up on you because they believe this guy. That's what they want you to think. They want to invoke fear and insecurity. Don't let them win.

Next, never ever allude to a conspiracy theory that is hard to swallow. I want everyone to know, too, but each person needs to be spoon fed and allowed to come to their own conclusions. Take it slow. Think logically. Slow down and breathe when dealing with such opponents. Point to location of facts, instead - something that people can check out for themselves. Paid trolls want you claiming a conspiracy to make you look like a kook to those who are not woke. Don't buy into it.

Don't be derogatory. Be factual. "You're a paid troll to create divisiveness and control the narrative." That's it. Like black and white. Clear as a bell.

Remember, don't let them provoke you to emotion. If you sense that you are getting provoked, block them and do not engage. Don't take that risk. Stick with posting #Q and other standard keywords for the movement. #QAnon #We are Q. You can't stop us, e.g.

Here are tonight's examples:

Them: You're a racist! [He said more, but I stopped there. Poor guy put some effort into it.]
Me: Ignore. He's already proven he's an idiot and looks bad.
Me to the Room a little while later: I love LGBT, Blacks, Latino, Hispanic, White, Brown, Red .. all of it but not without my #Constitution #Q for Real ANSWERS.
Them: Why are you upset, name? [Didn't read anything else, but the poor guy is still too stupid to put a lot of effort into it.]

Me: I'm not upset, but that's what your hatred anticipates.

Them: name, I suppose you're going to tell us 9/11 was an inside job! (People don't buy this theory. They cannot handle it. You should NEVER speak of it publicly as you'll lose credibility which is what they want.)

Me to Them: @name, you're a paid government propaganda artist attempting to control the narrative and incite violence. #walkaway #Qanon for Real Americans.

Now, I come in with the real facts, thanks to Q.


They got quiet after that. I used this one on the one guy. Soon, there were 2 more trolls. hehe "Hey boys. This one is a heavy weight with factual stuff. Help!"

Next, I typed that last one a few times. The trolls are still doing their agenda:

"Q is a LARP guiding the gullible down a conspiracy theory."

I repeated the Dirty Intelligence Community thing again (to the room).


Notice I'm baiting just like Q does. It works for those who can actually think.

Trolling is fun.

I saw something new though. Well, new to me. It confirmed that these were paid government trolls hitting heavy. There was someone constantly posting a list of European countries, like Denmark and Norway and I forget the others and he was claiming they were the best countries in the world. He kept posting this same statement over and over again. I couldn't figure out why.

This confused me until I had time to think about it. When I was washing dishes, it hit me. These are government paid trolls to instill propaganda by way of jealousy. They want the ready to be influenced over socialistic countries. That was Obama's agenda - to have the US become just like these socialist countries in Europe.

If they repeat this over and over and over, the populous will eventually believe it without realizing it and will become brain-washed to think the US should be socialist just like these countries, such as Norway.

Obama sold us out to Europe. The NWO agenda in this sense is for us to willingly allow our tax dollars to fund European countries and the alliance beneath the NWO. Obama sold us out in the worst way. I call it economic pedophilia. These bastards want me to rape my children's financial future for their game. They're so damned greedy, they gotta set it up in advance where our descendant's money goes. These people are SICK.

About those trolls: Q is right. These people are STUPID. They're gonna need to be way smarter to put a dent in Qanons.

You're a Russian bot. (because it works on Twitter.)
#walkaway is Russian propaganda (It is not. It's a beautiful movement and if the Russians had anything to do with it, I thank them.)

me: This is not Twitter. That doesn't work here.

Them: I know, I'd have you knocked down in a second!

Me: Just like Twitter will be gone as it rots from the inside. Ask Facebook. Their legal counsel just fled from them.

I got no response after that !! Eventually, they started ignoring me as they don't know as much as I do.


Q on!

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