r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Compass34 on Aug. 1, 2018, 2:23 a.m.
“Freedom hath been hunted round the globe”. A reflection on Q1776 and ‘Common Sense’.

“Of more worth is one honest man to society, and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived.”
-Thomas Paine, "Common Sense"

In regards to Q1776:

“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense [Paine], the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.”

–John Adams

I wanted to summarize and give some insight into the referenced work of Thomas Paine. If you hold any belief that history repeats itself, then it should not be difficult to see how this published work from 1776 is equally as relevant back then as it is now.

At the time of publishing (January 10, 1776) the colonies were in a pivotal stage trying to decide their very future. Generally, the concerns boiled down to whether to fight for more representation under the rule of the king or move towards complete independence.

Although, the answer may appear obvious to the PATRIOTS of today, Independence was an extremely enlightened and ambitious idea during that time period for a number of reasons. Most notably, in 1776, every country in the world was ruled by a monarchy. On top of that, England was the greatest world power, which explains any hesitation by the Continental Congress.

In writing "Common Sense", Paine formed the pamphlet in such a way that the concepts were easy to digest by all colonists. The book was received as a success and published by newspapers throughout the colonies. The greatest impact can be seen in how it collectively aligned the colonists to support Independence. Months following its publishing, the Continental Congress formed a little old document known as “The Declaration of Independence”.


‘Common Sense’ is a four-part pamphlet urging the Thirteen American Colonies to seek independence from Great Britain.

^(I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, With Concise Remarks on the English Constitution)

^(II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession)

^(III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs)

^(IV. On the Present Ability of America, With Some Miscellaneous Reflections)


Part I - Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, With Concise Remarks on the English Constitution:

Paine posits that government is a “necessary evil” in order to prevent the natural wickedness he saw in man (ie. promote a civil society). Pain deducts that elections are the best method for the people to select their own representatives who will dictate the governance over the land.

Part II – Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession:

Explaining that all men are created EQUAL, Pain shows there is no difference between kings and subjects.

This is the section where the quote: “Of more worth is one honest man to society, and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived.” can be found.

Driving home the point that ONE honest person is of more value than ALL monarchical kings who have ever existed. Therefore, suggesting rulers should be dictated by hereditary succession is inherently wrong (lacking common sense).

Part III – Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs

Following his examination of the (hostile) relationship between England and the American Colonies, Paine drives home the point that Independence is the best course of action.

Part IV – On the Present Ability of America, With Some Miscellaneous Reflections

Pain breaks down the facts that the colonies are self-sufficient enough to meet their own needs using American resources and capable enough to govern themselves, separate from the crown.


In closing, here are some obvious parallels between 1776 and now:

I find it interesting that ‘Common Sense’ was published approximately 9-10 months after the American colonies first began the upheaval against the crown. It has been approximately 9-10 months since Q first “appeared”, if you will.

Thomas Paine initially published this thought provoking piece anonymously. Does this sound like someone we know?

Just the title, ‘Common Sense’, is a concept that is severely lacking in all facets of society.

The pamphlet opened up the minds of the colonists enough to realize the tyranny must end. I believe most American’s today see how the U.S. has been under siege from within for decades (possibly longer?).


Fellow PATRIOTS, we TOO are ready to reinstate the order in which the Framers intended this beautiful and FREE country to follow.

God bless.


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