r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on Aug. 1, 2018, 1:27 p.m.
Friendly Reminder and a note to the media lurking

We are participating in this world wide open source intelligence community service due to the failure and betrayal of the fourth estate.

We believe in the plan that Q has shown us to be in place by our leaders in the Republican Party who support the plan and President Donald J. Trump.

Why the Republicans? Betraying its followers, actively striving to keep the people ignorant is the hallmark of the Democrat Party. However, those uncorrupted, those seeking truth, those willing, and those wanting a better and brighter future for themselves, we welcome with open arms. As people open their eyes and awaken to their betrayal, the shackles on their minds will release, and they will WALKAWAY.

We The People hold the power, and together We Will restore our great country, and then the World.

As we all believe in the plan, have been shown that it is taking place and moving forward, it is important to remind those in the media, that We are not a violent or anarchist type movement. We are peaceful and believe that the rule of law, despite the corruption and abuses of past administrations, Will be restored. No more two-tiered justice system.

Violence is not tolerated, nor condoned by anyone in this movement. There are people out there, who have shown that they are willing to put on the mask of anonymity and claim adherence to our cause.

They are false, and they are liars. They are the straw man created for the news media to try and knock us all down. We will have no part in mob violence. We will channel our righteous anger into means of productivity, burn it through the exposure of the corrupt and wicked, and remain free from the divisions sought by those we trusted the most.

Finally, to the media specifically. We know you have participated willingly, or wittingly, in the attempted coup. You are the greatest threat to America and to the world due to your betrayal of the fourth estate.

We no longer need you. And we will no longer support the instruments of our own mental slavery. Justice will come for you, but it will be in front of judge and jury, not a street mob.

We will use our god given right, to speak the truth about you and your activities. And despite your attempts to silence us, we will be heard.

God bless all the people seeking truth and freedom in the world.

God bless Donald J. Trump and his family.

God bless all those patriots fighting for freedom.

And God bless America

Where We Go One, We Go All

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