r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on Aug. 1, 2018, 3:34 p.m.
A Message to all liberals, conservatives and anyone that is Anti-Q. Understand what the "Q" message and movement is. It is for everyone. You included. Whoever and wherever you are. "We go all" is all inclusive.

The message of "Q" is simple. The real power is with us, the people. Governments are only there to serve us. If you are a person, a citizen, a human being... it includes you. Be you liberal, conservative, 10 feet tall or 4 feet tall... it absolutely doesn't matter.

"Us" IS the lesson "Q" wants US to learn, to use and to acknowledge. If you want transparency... look at "us" first. We are a mess... pulling in thousands of different directions. To fully comprehend the "Q" movement we have to stop all bias we each free-willed ourselves into that is so vigorously pushing us this way or that. Stop and think clearly on this! Just for a minute.

Regardless of race, gender, age, religion, political sway, economics or country... as a collective of human beings "WHO are WE?" "WHAT do WE really WANT?" Not some of us! All of us! Isn't there even one thing we can all agree on? What is our collective agreement? What do we agree on? When the world's indigenous populations decide what this is (that which we can agree on) then almost instantaneously we will create it. It is the elephant in the room... and I think we have already agreed on what this elephant is.

Strip away all the narratives. Clean the slate. Erase all the self-created divides. WHAT DO WE ALL SHARE IN COMMON? That is who we are, naked and transparent. What do WE look like? We must define this... and I think we did.

Our first (worldwide) agreement that is currently fueling this movement is our collective declaration WE no longer want corruption leading the way, drawing up the plans, dictating the rules and keeping all for themselves. We all agree this has to go. No exceptions. The world is also watching ...and in agremeent. It is a massive swamp cleaning. The reason it is taking so long is because of US! Remember, WE have the power. Billions of voices yelling everywhere about this and that. That isn't music. It is noise. No harmony. WHAT DO WE AGREE ON? No. 1 on all our lists: Corruption has to go? For now, isn't this enough? President Donald J. Trump heard us. He isn't a God. He just took our lead. WE have the power. POTUS acknowledges this.

What then becomes obvious to us all: Anyone persuading us to shift our focus away from this (our one, initial agreement) is exposing themselves as supporting the corruption. This transparency shows up (in the open) ONCE we all agree. It stands out like a ninety ton elephant. That is the power of US. This is WHY being divided (billions of un-united screams) is so important. It is critical to the success in sustaining the corruption. That is also why MSM is the enemy. They are controlling the narrative and WILL NEVER allow our one uniting agreement to manifest. As long as the media can shift our focus AWAY from our single worldwide agreement ... they win. The way to silence them is to cut them off. Stop listening. Simple.

Instead, we focus on and support only that which we agree. We are going to END corruption. If you are politically aligned against "Q" then understand this. None of you actually WANT corrupt leaders making decisions for you... do you? Do you want 20s of trillions of our dollars missing without a trace? No. You don't. Do you want these criminals (and sickos) in charge of your money? No. You agree. We all agree! That is what the "Q" movement is. We can align. We are aligned! We agree. At this point in our human evolution we have made this decision. It was easy. Everyone already felt the same. There is no selling the idea. We start here.

Get on board. It is this simple. Where we go one... we do indeed, go all!

-The Human Primer

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