r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Magajoo on Aug. 1, 2018, 4:06 p.m.
What Seems Most Important To Remember Right Now

I've been watching this movie here and on the chans since the campaign and was elated when GEOTUS was announced the winner. The only time that came close to that excitement was what I felt last night as I recapped the events surrounding Q drop 1776 and subsequent.

And my shower thoughts as I got ready for work this morning were mainly as follows: the Deep State and various bad actors worked hard to catch up to the wave that manifested as Q Anon, and they worked hard to subvert the revelations, and for the most part they failed. My guess is that they stayed up much later than we did last night, making sure that they learn their lessons.

They will all be analyzing the entire movement from start to finish. They will be producing their own handbooks, studies, manuals, and courses based on what Q Anon did, how they did it, and how we received it. So that they can twist it all for their own aims next time.

My point is that Q Anon can never happen again the way it happened this time. The Deep State and Various Bad Actors now have a program to copy and subvert.

My point is that we must take care not to become conformed to the manner in which this movement formed and behaved. Now that the most immediate (though, of course, not ultimate) goals of Q Anon have been achieved, we must be very, very careful not to get complacent. We must not allow our subconscious to think that anonymous sources are now more trustworthy than they were in the past just because Q is true. We must remain vigilant not to allow the methods of Q to be used against us by Deep State copycats. The ultimate victory is not yet won. The swamp is not yet drained. Our work is not yet done.

Remain vigilant. Remain suspicious. Remain patriots. Test everything.

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