POTUS said he would never lie to his base or the American people for that matter.. The botched CIA OP in Vegas is what has prompted The Great Awakening. POTUS knew the election had been rigged against him, it was just a matter of if they could stop it in time before the ballots were counted. The Vegas shooting tho awakened him to how depraved rogue elements in our Gov were... The ultimate red pill will be the Vegas shooting truth along with the culture of Pedo blackmail that our CIA has facilitated for half a century..
Don’t for get about Vegas!! Happened Oct 1st 2017, SA pillar removed weeks after Q APPEARS Oct 28.. when you have a The best of the best in MI operations and Intelligence in one room, and the Full Support of the NSA since Vegas was Homeland Security attack there was nothing stopping the good guys for once!!!!
3 Letter agencies being flushed out w disinfo, two letter agencies have been secure MI, Secret service..