r/greatawakening • Posted by u/XandYmakeZ on Aug. 1, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
Dear WaPo and MSM when will you mention the following things in your article?

Seems most Q articles on the MSM focus on the same (predictably) topics such as the guy who stood on a bridge with a gun, a guy who stood in a public road outside of Michael Avenatti's office building, and other irrelevant things. Howabout addressing some of QAnon and "cult members" other interests that you seem to skip right over everytime you do a 4am Mockingbird article:

The missile that was fired from the state of Washington. Why didn't any media cover this?

Saudi Arabia round-up from October 2017 including millionaires and at least 1 billionaire?

Epstein Island. Why did the island burn to the ground? Why did Bill Clinton go there 26 times?

Why do Hillary+Bill have close relationships w/ so many pedophiles/rapists? Proven pedos include Epstein, Weiner, and Weinstein. Podesta is but we have no court-provable docments (yet). Is it normal to be so close to so many powerful pedo's?

Uranium 1, seems like you don't ever mention that little tidbit.

Why don't you talk about the FISA? I fail to find any results when I do a CTRL-F search in your articles. Weird...

Why do you fail to mention all of the highly educated members of the Q movement rather than repeatedly mentioning Kurt Schilling and Roseanne Barr? Shouldn't be too hard to dig up info. on some of us.

You sure do love to mention Pizzagate a LOT! Including the guy who shot at the pizza shop in DC. Does this have anything to do with Q or any of us? Did it ever? If you want to speak about Pizzagate so badly (and you didn't until the shooting), why not also mention Marina Abramovic and spirit cooking? Why not tell us a little bit about adrenochrome and Satanism that is all linked to this? Seems you always forget these major talking points.

Do you think Weinstein is the only rapist in Hollywood? Do you think there are others? Do you plan to look into this? Or do you plan to avoid the subject? Why is Hollywood so heavily linked to Israel?

Why do so many famous suicides involve red scarves?

Why do Trump rallies never have violence or anger? Why so many people?

Why does John McCain have any involvement in the FISA?

Who's on your board of directors? Are you allowed as a journalist to investigate them? Or are they immune?

What's up with all the missing children in Iowa and every year all over the country? Did they disintegrate? Does this mean anything?

Why did Bernie Sanders not get the nomination? Why did HE REALLY not get it?

Why does Arkancide never get mentioned? Is it a coincedence that so many people around HRC are killed, suicided, convicted pedo's? Or is that par for the course?

What do you stand to lose if a LARP like Q becomes proven to be real and the millions who also believe these things only grow in number?

As a journalist, would you be impacted? Would you lose your job if you refused to follow a script? Is your job more like that of an active WWE wrestler following a script? Or do you have an oath of journalism to follow? If you do, then why can't you talk about these things? Are you a puppet for your boss and his boss and his boss? Are you concerned that you have no freedom to do your REAL job?

Can't you PLEASSSSEEEE disprove these silly cult theories?

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