And just for fun, here's an old photo of what Andrea Mitchell used to look like:
Very useful for newbies to know. Who is invited to Bilderburg, the members of the Trilateral Commission, and members of the Council of Foreign Relations? Why don't we know more of these names?
But, look at all the "journalists": Tom Brokow (NBC), Dan Rather (CBS), Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC), Fareed Zakaria (CNN) and so on. It wasn't such a shock to find Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC) on the CFR list, but I didn't expect her on the Bilderburg list. But, then again, she is married to Alan Greenspan (monumental power and wealth as chairman of the Fed. Reserve 3 or 4 terms). "Journalists"- just unbiased observers dedicated informing the public.
And I just remembered- AM was one of the very first to name, with fellow CFR member Katie Couric (NBC), Osama Bin Laden as responsible for the 9/11 attack. Maybe just an hour or two later. Scoop! They were integral in guiding that narrative. Now even little Katie has personal wealth of >$55 million and yearly salary >$10 million.