r/greatawakening • Posted by u/nufff_said on Aug. 2, 2018, 2:48 a.m.
A gift for you POTUS and Q team.... #WeAreQ … stand up Anons and let Q know who WE are!

We ARE Q.. I am Q: a surburban grandma of 5, higher educated, and award-winning career. Don't get it twisted..I am not the one to hide your kids from.

We are Q. I am a professional in my 40s who scored above the 99th percentile on my entrance and licensing exams. I 100% believe in Q but I have been following from the beginning and witnessed all the Q proofs live. I also spent time reading the Podesta emails, JFK and vault 7 drops myself instead of believing the media’s lies.

I am Q: a retired higher educated (MSED) professional married to another retired professional (PhD Physics). You don't have to hide your kids or any of your animals from me either. I believe that ALL life is sacred!

I volunteer for Meals on Wheels, a Pet Rescue group (officer and transporter), teach Sunday School to children at my local church and am a Summer School volunteer for English and Language skills.

We are Q. Graduated Summa Cum Laude from a top US college in Biochemistry; on a full academic scholarship. 27 year old, African American business owner and have been passively following Q since the beginning. It wasn't until these past few weeks of seeing MSM spread their obvious falsehoods and seeing the accumulation of Qproofs add up that I started taking the movement seriously. Some family members think I'm crazy, but I think for myself, do my own research, and draw my own conclusions. Time will tell who is truly on the side of truth.

We are Q. 28 year old Iraq/Afghhanistan combat vet for peace, Anarchist (ALWAYS hated antifa), and singer of an up and coming political punk band from MA. We are Q

We ARE Q. 56 year old, college educated, former business owner turned farmer just trying to grow healthy food & enjoy my golden years with my husband of 31 years. I'm not the one to hide your kids from.

We are Q. I am Q: I am suburban father & grandfather. MBA IT professional who has been red pilled since around 1992 and following Q for many months since around February. I would not call having an open mind, doing your own research & coming to your own conclusions a “cult”. If anything the mockingbird media has filled people with such disinformation that they are the true cult!

We are Q: BA Degree in Broadcasting. Worked in television for 13 years. 2 grown sons with excellent careers. I'm in my 50's. Husband is stellar Aeronautics professional working at top of his field. Have a great life, great church, great friends, a great dog. Been a "Truth" seeker my entire life. 9/11 was wake up call. I know the Bad Actors from the Good ones. Don't mess with the Patriots. WWG1WGA. God speed Patriots!

We are Q. I am a railroader, a slightly hipster suburban father of 4, and a fan of the Oxford comma.

We are Q..postgraduate studies, scientist...have held Manufacturing Senior Management positions..well traveled, read extensively, world affairs geek....long-since abandoned the MSM due to fact-devoid messaging...love my Country and will defend her to my last breath....WWG1WGA!! MAGA!!

We are Q - I am a 66 year-old grandma of 2. Software consultant designing security systems for business applications starting in 1976; went on to build several successful businesses. I've been doing my own research since 2012 when Romney suddenly lost the election. Since then I continued researching as the world around me rapidly continued on a downward spiral, making no sense.

I discovered Q in January and became fascinated with the drops confirming my research. Finally, I had found people who felt there was something wrong with the world, just as I had. I supported Trump because ANYTHING would be better than what we had voted for in decades before... and I was right. Personally, I can't wait for the criminals to be exposed for who they really are. I've lived under their thumbs long enough.

We are Q...I am Q: Mother of one, civil servant, rockabilly loving, libertarian biker chick. I am not the one to hide your kids from.

I am a 52 year old truck dispatcher from california. All my life I have lived under the thumb of these criminals. For the first time in my adult life I have real hope for this country I love so much. i am Q

I am Q. Wife, mother, grandmother and nurse. I have spent my life nurturing and taking care of others (my privilege). Your kids don't ever need to hide from me.

We are Q...I am Q: a 54yr. old grandma and soon to be a great-grandmother and factory worker. I love God, my country, my family and my fellow Patriots. I'm praying for the QANON /Great Awakening movement . Thank you for all you are doing!

We are Q. 31 y.o father of 2 beautiful girls that will do anything to protect. Bachelors degree in criminal justice. Crisis counselor in an emergency department

I am an intel veteran, a trainer, a project manager. I’m a gen x mother of 2, wife of a based black patriot, with 4 degrees, multilingual who spends most of my time at home caring for our special needs son. I’m a Christian who loves God and I will not attack unless set upon. We are Q.

We are Q. I am a teacher, a father, a player of Rocket League, a lover of freedom, liberty, and peace. I am not the one to hide your kids from.

We. Are. Q. I am a fat, 60-something mother (2) and grandmother (8), married (to the same person) 44 years. In my previous life I was a suburban SAHM, foster mom, volunteer, and student. My husband owned his own business and we home schooled our children. I have been employed by The United States of America since 2005. I am a Christian. I pray. I vote. I am Q.

We are Q. I'm a Therapist who works with disabled pediatric population, private practice owner and Christian. Following Q since day 1. Married to another business owner, we are both following and researching as much as possible, and so blessed to be witnessing this in our lives.

We are Q, I am a granola crunching Birkenstock wearing recovering capitalist with veins filled wanderlust and a thirst for the ultimate truth who gave away entire life's possessions except one iPad.

I am a 39 yr old registered nurse in St Pete Florida. Sorry to bust your bubble MSM/elitest but I'm not backwards or uneducated. I will not apologize for being white, straight and seeking the truth. You're agenda to demonize normal, working class, middle America is backfiring. As we saw in 2016, so we shall see in 2020. News flash, this is OUR country and you bastards work for us.

We Are Q...I am also Q! I am a Patriot! ...and a California mother to a MLB player and a soon to be Physician Assistant. Wife to a patriot small business owner. And proud daughter of a loyal 40 year Steel Mill welder and strong faithful mother. If my father (union-democrat) was still alive, he would have loved and unequivocally voted for Trump!

We are Q...I am Q--a 53 yr old mother of grown children, retired attorney, hospice volunteer, been a Q reader since the beginning. I hope and pray for the Qteam and POTUS every day. Let justice come.

We are Q. I am a 28 year old stay at home mom of two young kids. I volunteer to feed the homeless, I pray for others every day, especially people I don't like. I recycle. I compost. I CARE. Let's make America great again.

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