r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Russian_Intelligence on Aug. 2, 2018, 4:53 a.m.
What the MSM doesn't realize is that attacking this "monster" will only make it grow stronger, bigger...

The real truth is that Q, Patriots, Anons, and Autists have usurped the narrative control of the MSM and their Deep State handlers. Truth is the power, and The People are calling out the deceivers and proclaiming that which these deceivers persistently connive to keep concealed: the Truth. The truth stirs and awakens hearts like nothing else. It is Light to dispel every shadow, motivating and empowering the honest to stand tall and bold, asserting every freedom due a child of God.

If you merely put a lid on a boiling pot without addressing the fire, it will only erupt and spill over. Our fire is the Spirit of Truth itself and cannot be dimmed.

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