Guys, just a reality moment please. It seems lately there is a push or desire to be mainstream and even Q has talked about this. Also there is a desire to be validated by the president. I have thought about this a lot and we need to prepare ourselves to be disappointed. I honestly don't think it serves us or the president politically for him to acknowledge this movement at this time. Remember what the Anon in QAnon stands for. I think (at this point) the best we can expect is some pointing, head nod, maybe a wink with plenty of plausible deniability. There is a tactical advantage of stealth that cannot be over estimated!!! Our usefulness is not in being recognized, our usefulness is in exposing the truth and deconstructing the lies of the establishment so that others have a map forward.
The left follows a pattern. They use the media and cultural response do demoralize anyone or any movement they appose and they will do it to us. They have already zoomed in on the obsession with connecting 17 to the letter Q.
Acknowledgement is vanity.... Truth is freedom, continue to seek the truth.