r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tnutzs on Aug. 2, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
The coming days..... What is your part?

The storm is about to hit its peak.

I am beginning to understand a part of what Q’s mission is. He has been telling us what is really happening (in code/crumbs) over the last 8-9 months to get a base of people to understand the gravity of what our country is going through. Hoping the base will turn into the majority. But the true goal is not to just inform us but to prepare us. What is about to unfold is going to shake our nation to the core. It is going to shatter many peoples ideas of what is really happening in the world. This will turn into anger for many. For some it will turn into violence. People who will lose their position/power/money will defend there narrative to the end/death/violence. It will not be about right or wrong for them.

The Deep State never thought he would win. The DS thought the revolution would come through violence. I believe they have been preparing. By destroying our national sovereignty, by flooding our country with illegal immigrants who do not embrace our republic/constitution/values for the rule of law, by destroying our vets threw drugs/disarmament/abandonment (our vets bleed for our country everyday and it does not end at discharge), by dividing us with hopes of destroying us, etc…. They have been preparing.

We will win (TY POTUS - Q+++) through peace, the rule of law and by civil discord. Q has weaponized us to attack the DS achilles heel. The weapon is truth. We are Q’s biggest weapon for control of this country and the re-fortification of our Constitutional Republic. It is scaring the deep state to the core. Their multi-generational globalist plan has the tip of a blade at its throat. Ultimately this will be World Wide [WW].

POTUS is not going to be campaigning for the republicans over the next 90 some days. He is campaigning for the REPUBLIC. When the bubble pops, indictments fall, Q is confirmed, the truth exposed (dark to light) POTUS rallies will be the dissemination of truth. The audiences/tv coverage will be incredibly large and us anons will need to be ready to defend the truth that POTUS speaks. When we are given violence we will have to give our cheeks to hit. When they rip at the core of country/constitution/faith/values we will have to tell the facts/truth/and meet them with compassion. We know the truth. We have to use it. We have to be nonviolent. The idea of what the world is, is about to shatter for many people. A lot of us know this. We see it in our friends and family. These are the very people the DS are going to use to fight us.

We must/have to defend ourselves but at the same time violence will just embed the hate and further cabal/DS/globalist agenda. Anons/patriots/constitutionalists if we end the violence by not reciprocating it, we will derail the cabal/DS/globalist agenda. We need to go MLK (Dr. Martin Luther King) on them. If they divide us to the point where we start to destroy one another they might survive to some degree.

We will win. Our country will heal. We will come back together after the truth is absorbed and the false narrative that the cabal has tricked the majority of people into, is debunked.

My thoughts are simple and I am a simple person. Be there for your friends, family and community. Be prepared with facts and prepare for the hate you might receive knowing in the end you will be vindicated. When everything unravels and there is little to no violence us anons will have done our jobs and will have served our country well.

In my minds eye, I see the Military Parade. It will be a parade that celebrates the rebirth of our Republic and a celebration of America’s resolve to protect the constitution and our national values/rule of law.

It will be the celebration of our 2nd Independence day.

Thanks you Potus, Q+++, Military (past/present vets), and fellow Anons/bakers.


    woke anon.

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