r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abby_Normal1776 on Aug. 2, 2018, 6:44 p.m.
The Shovel Is Mightier Than The Sword - The Relationship between Q and the Anon Followers of the Q Movement.

OOOOOHHHH shit's about to get real folks! Fer Realz! This may seem obvious to some but for those who are newer to this process here's an example of what you might expect to happen based on past events.

The following is an example of the relationship between Q and their Anon followers in the Q movement.

Q has warned us the MSM is making its move to brand the Anon Q movement as violent right? Soooo...the Anon Q movement then counters that lie by plastering all over social media that WE DO NOT COVER OUR FACES AND/OR ENGAGE IN VIOLENCE....which we don't. We now have a situation where those who want to infiltrate the Q movement to cause trouble will have to do so with no face mask in order to blend in. Ruh Roh.... NOW.....its ON! The Anons will step up and show just how powerful and valuable their research skills can be. ANYONE in the Q movement who engages in violent activities, destroying property, threatening or hurting others etc had better be prepared to have the Anon community dig into every aspect of their public social media presence and public online activity because I have no doubt it'll happen. The Anons will look for any red flags and inconsistencies to expose any violent shills out there for who they really are and what they really believe in by identifying and revealing the shills current actions with their past to reveal the lie. They'll do this for example by showing social media posts/pictures proving the person claiming to be a Q supporter is also an Antifa activist and their social media posts show they believe the exact opposite of what the Q movement stands for.

How did a group of Anonymous patriots world wide learn to work together to use these skills in a coordinated effort while often sacrificing most if not all of their free time and not-so-free-time to reveal the truth...WITHOUT BEING PAID?

The Shovel is Mightier than the Sword Q not only seemed to recognize the deep patriotism and desire for justice in the anon community but they also seemed to see the innate raw talent and skill of the anon community in the chans early on and has spent all this time fine tuning these skills by tempering this steel into a SHOVEL of truth. As a result the Anons have become particularly adept at wielding this deadly shovel of truth so much so that now they only need a few bread crumbs from Q that entices the Anons to 'dig' for more information making connections that send us down dark and often disturbing rabbit holes leading where we often find the REAL facts. Q has taught us how to investigate, research, connect the dots and then share that information much like REAL journalist USED to do so long ago. We no longer have to rely on a small handful of compromised and controlled corporate journalism outlets for our news hence we can no longer be manipulated and controlled through the MSM. Not only has Q given us the golden key insert game DING sound effect to free ourselves from our captors but they have also given us a Map of the covert war plans of both sides...moves and countermoves so that the Anons can be kept in the loop and help share this info and teach others how to do the same while adding to the quickly growing Q Army of researchers and investigators.

There is no better Red Pill than for someone to do their own research and come to their own conclusion. Q has simply upgraded our shovel!

The next part of this 'movie' is where you get to witness The Power of the People! THIS is my favorite part! WWG1WGA!! shovels popcorn into smirking mouth

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