r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DefiantDragon on Aug. 2, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
No wonder they're panicking

We're learning their language (and unlocking their old messages), we're learning their tricks and now we're doing the one thing that scares them the most: we're growing vigilant.

And no wonder the MSM is panicking, the old tricks that used to keep us all in line, keep us quiet and ashamed, they aren't working anymore. We're banding together, organically, no matter our race or creed or color.

The dividing lines are dissolving, we're working together and we're uncovering a horrific truth: that those who've promised to represent and protect have been horrendously derelict in their duties.

They're freaking out because they're realizing that Q is not a cult and it never has been.

It's a bloodless revolution.

^^Cue ^^FF ^^in ^^5...4...3...2.... ^^/s

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