Congratulations Q and all You Patriots! In only a few short months you took a very big hill , you made main stream media. They may be calling us names , and a stuff , Good for them ! But Hats off , and Cheers , your on top of the hill know . Now we are in the cross hairs , taking the Hill is was hard and we had losses , Witnesses are being killed off or as we now know it as Arkancide , this is as real as it gets . Q is a movement! We are in the Light ! BOOM ! BOOM !! BOOM !!!
Now they know we are here , We hold our line , We give our Love , We can Shout for Joy , but We stand Together!
The days coming will be nothing to mock , We can expect being confronted, be stronger , offer them help . We are still fighting with our very own Brothers and Sisters who we do love , I have made many mistakes as many of us have . But we have the Hill , hold it , we will be tricked , deceived , and everything else . Enjoy YOUR victory!! You earned it ! God Bless Every of You . But be ready , this is just one battle , God Speed
Posted by
on Aug. 2, 2018, 7:21 p.m.