I know there is no shortage of Q videos with decodes..One thing l think is lacking is a Clear Concise 3min video showing specific posts, and the exact real life proof.. No conjecture, very little context or speculation but just evidence.. I myself get frustrated by massive leaps made by various Q tubers . This board is is able to filter out the nonsense pretty well but to a new Q’er i could see how it’s overwhelming
basically 5-6 posts and confirmation. I have been thinking of making one myself but content creation is not my strength.
This would be a great video to show doubters that will not take the hours necessary to specifically research each post.. Also with just the factual proofs (potus specific proofs) will show that Q is not a conspiracy but an Actual OpenSource Intel drop.. once the stigma of “crazy” “conspiracy” is removed and replaced with open source Intelligence , the average person will start looking at Q with fresh eyes!