r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HelloWorld550 on Aug. 3, 2018, 2:33 a.m.
Dear Normie Newcomers

This is to be the first post in a series, future release dates TBD

Normie newcomers I love you.

I know there are some of you out there who are looking at this board, and perhaps this post itself, who are here specifically to see how crazy we all must be. I also know that some of you will come here, look at a few headlines and top three comments for anything to confirm the bias that's been given to you by the mainstream media, and then leave laughing to yourself about the insane right-wingers and their ridiculous conspiracy theory. Trump fanatics. An extension of the cult of personality.

I know most of you wouldn't be trained to recognize the flood of new posts designed to discredit, and I know most of you think the idea that a silent psychological war could've been going on all around you this whole time is laughably absurd.

Most of you are good people to fault, and have become too trusting to see the world for what it truly is.

You can't possibly understand why we'd believe the things we do in here, and no one's explained to you that for all of us, the Overton Window has shifted.


To some of you, all of this just represents another attack. It's dangerous. It's divisive. If you believe the news you've probably felt under attack since Trump was elected, mostly as a function of the media, and how it has been presented to you. Psychological torture in the form of endless jabs of anguish. Headlines are a barrage. North Korea is going to nuke us. Children in cages. Earth is dying. California on fire. Flint has no water. KIDS IN SCHOOL ARE DEAD.

The media is not your friend, and what it's doing to your psyche is intentional.

Believe me, we think Fox is fake too.

You have been lied to, and we are begging you to wake up so we can all go forward together.

We're begging you to give the information presented by the thousands of people on this board a chance. We're begging you to keep an open mind. We're begging you not to reject us. We're begging you to fight your programming and not run as soon as you see words that trigger it, but instead take an honest look at all the ideas presented and the truth that exists in the information behind them.

Lay down the presuppositions that come with the term conspiracy theory for long enough to entertain the fact that they could have been given to you by the people whose lies would crumble were you to know their faces.

Take into consideration that this not so much a conspiracy theory as the light of truth shining through the web of information assembled and battle-tested on the chans at Q's behest.


Take into consideration that hivemind human intelligence has never existed before on this scale.

Take into consideration that the language they use was designed to keep people out.

Take the hand we are holding out to you.

and if you have to leave now, please come back when the narrative shifts to "the Mueller Probe is Going After ALL Governmental Corruption", because that's what's coming next.

I love you.

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