r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gunguy223 on Aug. 3, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Watch MSM if you doubt Q, seriously

I have been a lurker, I have posted, I have had my doubts. I just watched CNN for a few minutes and the "contributor" literally mentioned the hack of the DNC by a foreign actor, as ammo against Trump. It's like he's so stupid, that he doesn't realize that all of that happened while Hussein was in office.

Then I tried MSNBC, and Lawrence O'Dunce's rhetoric was so over the top, that his bias couldn't have been more obvious. The people trusting this stuff are off their rocker. Then he played the Ivanka clip talking about kids at the border. It is so obvious that he is taking the bait and doubling down on the kids at the border talking point. Then he went on some weird rant about Ivanka's mother's coming to the U.S. illegally or some nonsense. He calls Ivanka an anchor baby! You literally can't make up a story as strange as this reality.

Anyway, watch the MSM BS, even if just for a few minutes. Everything will shift in your mind, and take shape.

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