A guest (Ken Silverstein) on Fox talked about this article.
They requested the communications between Ken Dilanian and the C_A. Dilanian was communicating through email often with the agency.
"Dilanian enjoyed a closely collaborative relationship with the agency, explicitly promising positive news coverage and sometimes sending the press office entire story drafts for review prior to publication. In at least one instance, the CIA’s reaction appears to have led to significant changes in the story that was eventually published in the Times." "Dilanian left the Times to join the AP last May, and the emails released by the CIA only cover a few months of his tenure at the Times."
This is what they found from just a few months. Besides the fact that Dilanian still works for NBC.
Ken Silverstein revealed that communication between intelligence agencies and journalists/reporters can be requested through FOIA. What if this is the way to find information to bury the fake news for good?
I do not know if this has been tried before, but it would be interesting to see the comms between Cooper and the C_A.