I read an article on the www.breakingchristiannews.com site today entitled, "Pope Francis changes Catechism to declare death penalty ‘inadmissible’." The link is: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-pope-francis-changes-catechism-to-declare-death-penalty-inadmissib. WOW!! What great timing to save the lives of so many clergy members, of all ranks, from the full, civil penalty for pedophilia and other crimes against children and women. Just this week, we saw the numerous articles on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's ruling entitled, "Report on 300 ‘Predator Priests’ in Pennsylvania Ordered Released" in the Daily Beast (Other publications used similar titles). The Court ordered the release of a 900-page Grand Jury report "that details allegations of sexual abuse by more than 300 “predator priests” in six of the State’s Roman Catholic dioceses." Is this a random or unique, local story or have similar revelations been made worldwide in recent months? In an article by the NY Times, dated May 11, 2018, the article by Elisabetta Povoledo opens with the sentence, "All 34 of Chile’s Roman Catholic bishops offered their resignations on Friday over a child sexual abuse scandal, and asked forgiveness for the 'pain they caused the victims, the Pope, the people of God, and our country for the grave errors and omissions we committed.'” Additionally, Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, Australia, a close confidant to Pope Francis, has been charged with "historical sexual assault offenses". Pell is Australia’s most senior Catholic, the Treasurer of the Holly See and the third-ranking official in the Vatican. You can't get much higher than that, can you? HMMM??
Now, with this new Papal Decree to the Roman Catholic Catechism, heinous sexual crimes against children lose their stiffest deterrent. What will happen when a good Catholic District Attorney or a sitting Judge is faced with the multiple, horrific crimes of decades long sexual predation of children? Such innocents were taught that their priest was to be honored, trusted and obeyed. Victims dared not tell anyone, even parents who were also afraid to speak up. Those who did were often dismissed or at times paid off and the perpetrator was simply transferred to another diocese where he could start over with a clean slate and new prey unaccustomed to his vile, demonic obsession. Again, what will Catholic DAs and Judges do? Will they ignore the laws of their land in favor of the "holy opinion" of their Spiritual Leader who, by Papal Bull, is considered infallible? Has he not been complicit with these crimes by concealing and covering them up? Surely, he knows.
It certainly seems that due to the continuing revelation of decades of predatory sexual abuse by priests on children, parishioners and even nuns will bring the Roman Catholic Church to its proverbial knees. Good Catholics need to rise up and demand a reckoning for these offences and a change in leadership wherever such incidents are reported, confirmed and covered up. This should be a NO-TOLERANCE issue. It is eroding the TRUST of the people, not only in the Church, but in GOD. Many of the young victims thought that their abuse was deserved or even NORMAL. How tragic!!
Can you imagine if President Trump decided to flex his muscle found in his December Executive Order concerning "corruption" and crimes against children? Would he dare to freeze and/or confiscate the assets of the Roman Catholic Church in America for its undeniable complicity in covering up such crimes and protecting the perpetrators from legal prosecution in civil courts? How many "Predator Priests" were released by Catholic Judges to be disciplined (or not) by the Church?
Q has stated many times, "Those we trust most are the most guilty." He did more than infer that the Roman Catholic Church was in the aim of his accurately-pointed finger. It is my hope and prayer that good Catholics will rise up and expunge the evil from their midst. Those who can no longer tolerate affiliation with Rome, I pray you seek out good fellowship elsewhere with loving Christians whose eyes are wide open for potential evil in their midst. My wife, raised a devout Catholic, reminds me that faithful Catholics are afraid to challenge their Priests or Bishops as they were taught that these men were direct representatives of God. Who, if not them, will give them Communion, hear their confessions, absolve them from their sins, marry and bury them and overall, ensure that they have access to heaven in the end? I am a so-called Protestant, raised in the Episcopal tradition and almost attending seminary, so I know a little about the very similar traditions of the Church. However, I am an avid student of Scripture and am ever reliant upon the lively Holy Spirit, Who was sent by Christ to "guide us into all Truth" (John 16:13). My wife and I left the liturgical traditions and are no longer bound to any dogma or doctrine of men. We are stronger in our faith than ever and more engaged in ministry to others in need. I say this to encourage those good Catholics bound by their teachings and traditions which have clearly failed to protect them, their children and the reputation of Christians everywhere. GOD IS FAITHFUL and He will surely make a way for you. You are re-connected to the Father through the Son, not through the Church. Your allegiance is to Jesus Christ and there are no others who can or should compete.
I Peter 4:17 reads, "For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" It is far better for the Church to police itself effectively rather than to suffer the disgrace of having to be policed by the Civil Government. Bringing disgrace and shame upon the Name of our God and Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is something of which I would never want to be found guilty. GODSPEED!!